Thursday, November 30, 2006

10 Long Days..

This has been my longest flight so far.

But thank God I met the nicest bunch of people on this flight. :)

Had a good time catching up with Shireen and Kamar in Dubai too! Thanks a million for taking the time to bring me around!!! *huggies*

Believe it of not, it RAINED in Dubai. It was such a surprise. Hardly anyone walked in the pouring rain with umbrellas. Guess they dont even own umbrellas. It was so nice to see children laughing and sticking their hands out of the cars and buses, enjoying the feel of rain splashing on their upturned faces. I couldnt help but smile as I watched them pass by.

Moscow was alright. Like my recent Capetown trip, I looked around the same places, stood in the same spots, and just remembered....

Other than The Handphone Saga, the whole trip was a blast.

But I'm glad to be home. I missed my squigee bolster so much. Hee. *smellsmell*


The infamous Burg Al Arab Hotel by night.

And I'm as huge as the Burg! ;p

Kamar, Me and Shireen. My wonderful hosts to Duabi. And yes la.. I noticed my skirt is too short. ;p

Lunching at Chilli's! Mexican Popiah Party anyone? ;p

Well.. we had to entertain ourselves in the car while Kamar did all the driving. ;p

Snow in Dubai? Its Ski Dubai in The Mall of the Emirates!

Of COURSE I went shopping! Like.. DUH! ;p

I LOVE my new hat! Hee. Shireen was like, "Umm.. Are you going to take it off?" I dun *evil laugh*


Back at St. Basil's Cathedral with the craziest bunch of girls! You should have seen the ruckus we were creating. Even some camera man started filming me... I grinned and did the "V" sign. haha

And not forgetting the dude too! haha

Wannabe Ad girls. We now fly to Moscow!

At the Red Square

We accosted the Kremlin guards! They seemed pretty used to being attacked by camera crazy tourist. I know I am... ;p

Freida and I enjoying our super "gao" hot chocolate. (It was literally melted chocolate. It was so thick i had to eat it. Not drink it. And it costs us $12 a cup. Ouch.)

Five big kids on one teenie carousel!

At the metro station. B.R. (ie. Before Robbery) Haha.. lame.

Im off next to Auckland... AGAIN! ACCKKK!

Well.. I cant always be having fun rite... ;p

Now That I've Calmed Down.....

Ok, So that's a lie.

I havent really gotten over the loss of my phone.

I still lie in bed at night thinking of mean thoughts. And I've come up with a creative few...

- I hope your penis shrivels to the size of a sunflower seed (its flatter and smaller than a peanut ;p)

- I hope you wake up with boobs

- I hope you take a hot blond Russian chick to bed and fail to get an erection

- And if the last curse doesnt work, I hope your hot blond Russian chick turns out to be a MAN.

Please everyone. Do feel free to contribute to the list. Im VERY open to suggestions.

And if you see half naked pics of me in bed over the internet. Well.. you know what happened.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

You F**king Pickpocket!


I have no handphone!!! WHY?

Coz some bastard stole my 2 month old N80 (and along with it my A380 hp strap) while I was in Moscow!!!


Both are irreplacable you know that!!! Both mean something to me................. :(

I hope your fingers rot. I hope your balls shrivel and drop off. I hope you get cooties. I hope you get worms in your gums. I..I...

*WAIL* *Hic* *sob*

All i did was not clutch my bag for that few seconds while i was being pushed into a super crowded train and *poof!* My phone was gone.

Argh.. And it happened less than an hour since we left the hotel. It was hard to try stay happy for the rest of the outing.

And now im in Dubai with no means of communicating with Shireen. (I'm gonna meet her in awhile..). We are so reliant on technology its sucks.

Now I have to think of what new handphone to buy.... *scratch head*

Friday, November 24, 2006

From Russia With Love...

I'm typing this from my room in Moscow!

I'm warm and cozy now while its a cold -2 Degrees outside now..


The people on this flight are so nice :) I's so glad I'm here.

And I realise that things always happen for a reason... I was so mad that a fellow colleague dissed me off and retracted on her promise to change her Amsterdam flight with me for this Moscow flight. But all I can say is.. THANK U GOD! Somehow things have turned out as it was meant to. :)

I just spent FIVE hours gossiping away with the other girls. God we have so many stories to tell....

I love looking at the sunrise from the plane... I finally managed to get a shot this morning as we flew towards Moscow.

Isn't it beautiful?

I'm thankful I get to see views like these that some never get to see...

I hope my cold doesnt get any worse when I go out tomorrow.

*blow nose*

Monday, November 20, 2006

Love at First Sight

Have any of you ever experienced love at first sight?

It has never happened to me before... When I see something or someone I like, I can say, "Yea, its nice." or "He's cute..." but I never fall in love right at that moment.

But it happened to me just the other day. I fell in love the moment we met.

My eyes grew bigger and my heart started pounding. My mouth was agape and I just couldn't tear my gaze away.

I fell in love...

.... with this black beast of a Subaru WRX.

Of all the Lambos and Ferraris at this year's motor show, this Subaru totally stole my heart.

I can so see myself driving it.

But first... I need to get my license. Hahahaha...

It's pathetic.. I know.. So shut up.

On the other end of the scale, there was the cute little Suzuki LC. The cutest car ever!

Now I just have look for the windup key to start the car.... ;p

Here are some other kickass cars featured at the show this year...

Alfa Spider

Lexus LFA - a totally out of this world concept car. It has turbines at the back for God's sake..

A handsome vintage

A vietnam war inspired lambo

An all white sports car whose bonnet looked strangely like the face of the Alien from the Alien vs Predator movies...

Bought for Jem a new sound system plus the sub woofer for his car as a christmas pressie. I cant wait to blast my Black Eyed Peas album in the car and sing along at the top of my lungs :)

I'm off to Dubai/Moscow for 9 days tonight. Sigh. Why am I always sick when I go to Dubai?

CurryCurryCurry. *shiver*

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Search For a Bathroom Cleaner

Was walking home when I spotted this self-made sign posted right next to my block's lift.

In need of a bathroom cleaner?

There are alot of bathroom cleaners to be found in your local supermarket, you know?

And if you are referring to hiring someone to clean your bathroom...well, go get some toilet bleach and clean your own freaking bathroom!!!


I know it seems presumptious of me... but.. he/she specifically stated there BATHroom! Not "Toilet Cleaner" or even "Washroom Cleaner". But BATHROOM cleaner. And I have to assume it's your own bathroom which needs cleaning... rite?

And know what's the worse part? I KNOW the person who put up this ad is a CREW.

WHY? Well, I found the stickers used to paste up the notice was VERY familiar. Then it hit me. Its a sticker we use on board for unservicable toilets! (You see the irony here?)

And upon closer inspection... the memo pad used was from the hotel we stay in Korea!

Not only does this person need to hire someone to clean his/her own bathroom... You're bloody cheepo!!! Can't you even use your own tape to paste up the notice??!

*gnash teeth*

Arrgh. Why do I even bother to get my panties into a twist over such people.

Lacy thongs give such bad wedgies afterall.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Ms. Air Head

Am down with the flu. So I went to see Dr. Eugene again.

I see him so often, we are practically "seeing" each other. Haha.

Ok. Lame joke. ;p

He was his usual chirpy self and asked me what he could do for me blahblah..

I told him I had the flu and complained of an ear ache.

So he took a peek in my ear and said, "Woah! u have a chunk of ear wax blocking ur ear drum."

I was so shocked and defensively replied, "but..but.. i clean my ears often!" And sat there with an indignant pout.

Seeing my distressed face, he told me it was a natural wax buildup and sometimes cleaning it would just cause the wax to compress together instead.

It didn't make me feel any better.

Its a miserable thing when u have others telling you that you have wax stuck in your ears.

No wonder I can never make out the landing announcement. ;p

So he suggested flushing out the stupid plug of wax for me and that it would be a really quick procedure.

I was so nervous. Afterall, I went in for a simple consultation for the flu and now Im sitting here waiting to have water forced into my ear??!

I nervously twiddled my thumbs as I watched him prepare all his necessary instruments.

You know how sometimes you become so nervous your imagination goes wild? Well, I didn't just let my imagination go wild, I became stupid.

"Um, so..." I nervously asked. "when you flush the water into my ear.. where does the water come out from?"

I was imagining water flying out of my nose.

"Well.." Dr. Eugene said without missing a beat. "It comes out of the opposite ear."


I could have kicked myself.

He must have been thinking, "Dumb Air Stewardess..."

I was mentally screaming, "Geri! You're SO STUPID!"

I guess I deserved that answer. The water SHOULD have come shooting out of the opposite ear. ;p

Sigh. Sometimes Geri....

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

And the Winner of the Sex-sational Prize Is........

So I finally got down to counting my Milk Money.

I happily half rolled, half dragged my milk bottle to the middle of my room, unscrewed the big, plastic teat and proceeded to pour out all the coins onto the floor.

And there I was, wearing a big cheshire grin as I sat amid my mini mountain of coins.


Armed with my trusty calucator, ziplock bags, a marker pen and post-it pads, I was ready to dive into my Milk Money Mountain. *Ka Ching*

I started off by separating and counting the one dollar coins. That was fun. Then the fifty cent coins. Easy peasy. Twenty cent coins required alittle more patience, but it was do-able.

By the second hour, I was starting on the ten cent coins. At that point I was going mad counting, "two, four, six, eight, ten.." while picking two coins at a time.

By the time I hit the five and one cent coins. I was ready to give it all to charity.

But alas. I discovered I am not such a charitable person afterall.


I persisted and by the end of the second hour, I had all my coins neatly arranged, with each section nicely labelled for easy addition.


Labeled... (Gosh it looks like some police raid...)

And packed!!! *hee*

And now for what everyone is waiting for... the RESULTS!

But before that, a re-cap of the the amounts you people guessed.

Ron: S$241.10
Jem: S$400.00
Mr. Mua Ha Ha: S$168.45 (How dare you)
Mr. Not-So-Anonymous: Offered me S$350, a S$5o increase from the last time
Ivan: Gave me a verbal wild guess of about $200

And the final amount is.....

*drum roll*

*spotlight waving wildly about the stage*

*cymbals crash*

HAH! I knew I had a decent amount in that Milk Bottle!!!

So the obvious winner of the sex-sational prize is Jem, who was still a S$100 short of the actual amount. Bleah.

Ah well, a promise is a promise. *pulls out lacy thong from lingerie drawer*

Mr. Anonymous, you could have at least TRIED to guess higher rite??? ;p

Rabia's Married!

Went for my first Malay wedding held at the void deck!

So cool! hehehe

Rabia held her wedding celebrations on Sunday... sigh. Its amazing how calm and serene she was.

Thats my fifth coursemate (to my knowledge, that is) who has gotten him/herself married off.

Its scary when its my guy friends who are getting themselves hitched at such a young age. Geez.

I have to say its admirable that they are so sure with what they want and so ready to commit.

Anyway it was a fun experience. :)

I just love having friends from different cultures :)

Taking pics while waiting for the groom to arrive :)

WeiX (Newly appointed President of SMU Social Science Student Body and future President of Singapore) and I munching on kueh kueh :)

Kompang players! I must have been the only idiot guest bopping to the beat. ;)

Congrats again Bia! :)

I'm off to count my milk money now... *ka ching!*

Monday, November 13, 2006

Van Cock Please?

I've been repeating this story to everyone until they are telling me to shut up.

But I'm gonna repeat it here again. So sue me. ;p

Anyway I was having lunch in Mumbai and decided to order a coke.

I called the waitress over and proceeded to place my order.

"Excuse me, may I have a Coke please?"

The waitress looked confused for a minute and said, "Excuse me?"

So I repeated my order, "One Coke please?"

"Van cock?"

I was trying to stifle my laughter and beamed at her, "Yes, One coke."


And off she went to get my order.

A minute later she approached me again.

"Excuse me.. You van Diet Cock or Regular Cock?"

At this point I was turning purple from holding back my laughter.

"I..I.. will just have the regular co-co-coKE, thank you."

I swear I was just DYING to say, "Honey, I would love to have a large Cock. But I'll just go for the regular Cock. I don't like skinny, malnourished Cocks..."

Ordering a glass of Coke will never be the same for me ever again.


Sunday, November 12, 2006

I Wish You Love

Was sipping tea and having Cheesecake with Angie this evening when this song started playing overhead...

When I looked at Angie and moaned, she could only smile sadly at me.

Such simple words, with the true-est of meanings.

I wish you bluebirds in the spring
To give your heart a song to sing
I wish you health
And more than wealth
I wish you love

And in July a lemonade
To cool you in some leafy glade
I wish you health
And more than wealth
I wish you love

My breaking heart and I agree
That you and I could never be
So with my best
My very best
I set you free

I wish you shelter from the storm
And a cozy fire to keep you warm
And most of all
When snowflakes fall
I wish you love

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Dubious Dubians

Sorry about the dubious title.. haha..

Finally caught up with Shireen and Kamar!

They were back from Dubai for the Hari Raya Holidays.. :)

WeiX and DJ were there too. Its nice to meet up with all the old polymates and find out that our "patterns" are all still the same after so many years.

Another poly classmate of mine is getting married on Sunday... gosh.

Everybody's getting married. Scary... ;p

Anyway... what happens when u're bored in the car with a camera in your hand...?

Ka-Cheow the driver!!!!!


Smile Ah Keong!!!

Im surprised he didn't unbuckle my seatbelt and throw me forcibly out of the car...

You wouldn't do that... would you? *makes bambi eyes*

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Enough is Enough

At which angle do I at all look like Cynthia Koh?

None. Zero. Zlich. Nada.

Which is why I do not understand why I get so many people coming up to me telling me that I do and it ALWAYS goes like this...

Person: "Eh.. has anyone told you that you look like Xu Mei Zhen?"

Me: *groan* *mentally screaming*

I didn't even know her Chinese name... but so many people have come up to me telling me her name until I know it.

I've been getting it since I was 16 years old and working part time at CMPB.

I get it on every other flight.

And the most recent was yesterday.

THATS IT. IVE HAD ENOUGH. *grind teeth*

The worse part is... they come up to me telling me like its supposed to be a compliment.

Not that she's ugly or what but....

I got so disturbed I asked Angie last night.

I think she nearly spit out her Iced Earl Grey Tea when I told her...

After gulping down her sip of tea, she gasped out, "No la...!"

Hahaha... see? Thats what best friends are for.

So to set the record straight:

Thats Ms. Koh on the top and me below.

Wait. Sorry. I meant thats me on the top and Ms. Koh below.

My bad. ;p

So the next person who dares to tell me I look like her, I will rip his/her heart out ala Mortal Kombat style and chew on their still pumping heart valves.

I, for one, have nicer teeth than her.


Milk Money..

Look! My Giant Milk Bottle Bank is almost full!

Its so heavy, i decided to find out just HOW heavy it is...

So I happily rolled it over to my weighing scale, hefted it up on the scale, set it down with a loud "ker-thunk", and eagerly leaned over to see how much it weighs..

Well.. *drum roll* it weighs...

11KG!!! Hahahahaaa...

I have yet to figured out just how much there is inside. You know what? I'm going to open it to the floor and you people guess how much there is. The person with the closest answer will win.... hmm... er.. something la. I'll make sure its an absolutely sex-sational prize. ;)

Somebody once offered to pay me S$300 bucks for the whole bottle. *PUI* Im sure there's more than that inside... I hope. ;p

I must say I'm really quite excited to find out. *beam*


Saturday, November 04, 2006

Cape Town Again...And Again!

You know? I love that place. It has that raw, natural beauty. Its not pretty. Its not picturesque. Its just fucking raw nature in you face. Excuse my language.. but thats how i best describe it. My third time there and I still love it.

I really really wanted to go whale watching in Capetown as this is the season the Southern Wright Whales migrate... But I kinda knew that I wouldnt be able to do it unless I went on my own... I didnt have the guts to go gallavanting around myself coz well.. its Capetown.. so I didn't go.


However, our crew tour leader did say we would be able to see whales and I havent been up to Table Mountain, and Shirley was begging me to go along with her.. So I figured, fine... I'll do the whole tour again. Better than staying in the room...

We woke up to blustery winds and cloudy skies on the second day. The first thing they announced when we boarded the bus...? "TABLE MOUNTAIN IS CLOSED."


I was standing at the base of the mountain shaking my fist, shouting "Damn you Table Mountain! Damn you!"

Everyone started blaming me said I was bad luck! BLARDY HELL! So hurt.


People can be so cruel.

The weather was sooo cold. And I bet that was my fault too.

The sky grey. My fault.

FINE. Whatever.

I still had fun. I will never get sick of looking at the scenery in Capetown.

You know the song that goes, "Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right. Here I am.. stuck in the middle with you." ? I was looking at the scenery when I suddenly started singing to Dave,

"Mountains to the left of me, Ocean to the right. Here I am, stuck in the middle with you..."

The bus driver heard me singing it and started laughing. Hahaha. ;p

Taking pics at the same spot one year on and looking at my old pics, I realised how different I look and how much I have changed in just one year.

My face is rounder.. Even my body shape has changed. I'm older.

I think Im all grown up. :)


At Maiden's Cove. Trying to look all maidenly... not.

On the boat at Hout's Bay. Lets go see some seals!

Ok fine. Not some seals.. MANY MANY seals. And the waves were really huge. The boat was rocking so much I felt like I was going fishing for Alaskan King Crabs.

See that? A Smile - Priceless. So nice :)

Lunch time! Calamari and chips and steaming hot chocolate! YAARRMY! *slurp*

At Chapmans Peak.

Taking this pic was trecherous. The road was round a bend so it was a blindspot. Every other min someone would shout, "CAR COOMMINNG!" and all of us would run helter-skelter and cling to the edges. hehe.

Im the Princess of the World!

Dun we look like we are in some Taiwanese drama? hahaha...

SO cute!!! Mommy Baboon with Baby Baboon. *awww!*

Back in 2005....

And back at the Cape of Good Hope in 2006! Now how many people can say they've been there... TWICE. And if he looks familiar... Yes its the same dude from Male. You stalker you.... ;)

At Cape Point. See that white spot in the ocean behind me? Thats exactly where the two Oceans meet. :)

I'm always getting pounced upon by other tourists! At least they were keeping me warm... Love this pic! :)

Can you see?? Can you SEE?! I stole this off Dave's cam. It's Mr. Whaley's tail! We know its a "Mr." coz only the males surface with their tails to showoff to the females. Typical...

Penguin Parade! I was trying to blend in... did it work? ;p

How loving is that? Did you know penguins mate with that one partner for life? Sigh...

Dude! Stop taking candid shots of me! haha.. but its kinda funny coz i never realise all the stupid expressions I have sometimes.. Stole all the pics back from him. Humph.

Man... My throat still hurts. *croak*