And the Winner of the Sex-sational Prize Is........
So I finally got down to counting my Milk Money.
I happily half rolled, half dragged my milk bottle to the middle of my room, unscrewed the big, plastic teat and proceeded to pour out all the coins onto the floor.
And there I was, wearing a big cheshire grin as I sat amid my mini mountain of coins.

Armed with my trusty calucator, ziplock bags, a marker pen and post-it pads, I was ready to dive into my Milk Money Mountain. *Ka Ching*
I started off by separating and counting the one dollar coins. That was fun. Then the fifty cent coins. Easy peasy. Twenty cent coins required alittle more patience, but it was do-able.
By the second hour, I was starting on the ten cent coins. At that point I was going mad counting, "two, four, six, eight, ten.." while picking two coins at a time.
By the time I hit the five and one cent coins. I was ready to give it all to charity.
But alas. I discovered I am not such a charitable person afterall.
I persisted and by the end of the second hour, I had all my coins neatly arranged, with each section nicely labelled for easy addition.


Labeled... (Gosh it looks like some police raid...)

And packed!!! *hee*
And now for what everyone is waiting for... the RESULTS!
But before that, a re-cap of the the amounts you people guessed.
Ron: S$241.10
Jem: S$400.00
Mr. Mua Ha Ha: S$168.45 (How dare you)
Mr. Not-So-Anonymous: Offered me S$350, a S$5o increase from the last time
Ivan: Gave me a verbal wild guess of about $200
And the final amount is.....
*drum roll*
*spotlight waving wildly about the stage*

*cymbals crash*
HAH! I knew I had a decent amount in that Milk Bottle!!!
So the obvious winner of the sex-sational prize is Jem, who was still a S$100 short of the actual amount. Bleah.
Ah well, a promise is a promise. *pulls out lacy thong from lingerie drawer*
Mr. Anonymous, you could have at least TRIED to guess higher rite??? ;p
wooohoooo!!! congrats to Keongee then!
and to u who have collected so muchie!
wheeee...and yes, macam police raid.
Wah.... Haha... that is alot of money!!!! $500 plus dollars? Eh. You must have tricked me cos I thought your milk bottle was like just 3 cm tall.... :)
ya boy... macam like police raid.. all you need now is to take a pic of yourself squatting in a corner with newspaper covering your face.. hee hee
Mr Mua Ha Ha
ps - So I guess Gem gets to wear your lacy thong as a prize then? *grinz*
Mr. M.H.H.: Which part of "GIANT Milk Bottle" do you not get?? And no, I will be wearing the thong. You should have guessed higher. Too bad. ;p
Ron: Hee. Thank u. *proud*
*yayy!* i'm proud of you! it's a BIG achievement from sec sch days man! from those miserable amount you used to plonk into 'angie the piggy bank'...and how happy you were when you realised you had saved like...20bucks??? hahaha
hey, looks like i'm the 2nd runner-up! do i get a consolation prize? *wink*
Angie: SHH! U dun have to tell the whole world how miserable I was (and still am) at saving money! ;p And to clear the air.. this is not my only avenue for saving money ok... humph.
hahaha, hey! am very proud of you ok! i know i know...i'm the poor miserable one now...*sigh*
perhaps you'd like to contribute a part of ur 'raid' as consolation prize to me? i don't need a lacy thong thank you.
Haha.. Now am eagerly awaiting for the time when you convert all your foreign currency into Singapore dollars... Am sure the money changer will be very happy to do your business! :)
Mr Mua Ha Ha...
Mr. M.H.H. :Yea u're right! All the wasted stupid currency sitting around collecting dust. ERGH. I could be richer...
wait a minute...
you had an "ANGIE THE PIGGY BANK"?! then how come I still have to give you money every week!?
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