Friday, November 24, 2006

From Russia With Love...

I'm typing this from my room in Moscow!

I'm warm and cozy now while its a cold -2 Degrees outside now..


The people on this flight are so nice :) I's so glad I'm here.

And I realise that things always happen for a reason... I was so mad that a fellow colleague dissed me off and retracted on her promise to change her Amsterdam flight with me for this Moscow flight. But all I can say is.. THANK U GOD! Somehow things have turned out as it was meant to. :)

I just spent FIVE hours gossiping away with the other girls. God we have so many stories to tell....

I love looking at the sunrise from the plane... I finally managed to get a shot this morning as we flew towards Moscow.

Isn't it beautiful?

I'm thankful I get to see views like these that some never get to see...

I hope my cold doesnt get any worse when I go out tomorrow.

*blow nose*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

take care...and get well soon! :D

9:47 PM  

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