Cape Town Again...And Again!
You know? I love that place. It has that raw, natural beauty. Its not pretty. Its not picturesque. Its just fucking raw nature in you face. Excuse my language.. but thats how i best describe it. My third time there and I still love it.
I really really wanted to go whale watching in Capetown as this is the season the Southern Wright Whales migrate... But I kinda knew that I wouldnt be able to do it unless I went on my own... I didnt have the guts to go gallavanting around myself coz well.. its Capetown.. so I didn't go.
However, our crew tour leader did say we would be able to see whales and I havent been up to Table Mountain, and Shirley was begging me to go along with her.. So I figured, fine... I'll do the whole tour again. Better than staying in the room...
We woke up to blustery winds and cloudy skies on the second day. The first thing they announced when we boarded the bus...? "TABLE MOUNTAIN IS CLOSED."
I was standing at the base of the mountain shaking my fist, shouting "Damn you Table Mountain! Damn you!"
Everyone started blaming me said I was bad luck! BLARDY HELL! So hurt.
People can be so cruel.
The weather was sooo cold. And I bet that was my fault too.
The sky grey. My fault.
FINE. Whatever.
I still had fun. I will never get sick of looking at the scenery in Capetown.
You know the song that goes, "Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right. Here I am.. stuck in the middle with you." ? I was looking at the scenery when I suddenly started singing to Dave,
"Mountains to the left of me, Ocean to the right. Here I am, stuck in the middle with you..."
The bus driver heard me singing it and started laughing. Hahaha. ;p
Taking pics at the same spot one year on and looking at my old pics, I realised how different I look and how much I have changed in just one year.
My face is rounder.. Even my body shape has changed. I'm older.
I think Im all grown up. :)

At Maiden's Cove. Trying to look all maidenly... not.

On the boat at Hout's Bay. Lets go see some seals!

Ok fine. Not some seals.. MANY MANY seals. And the waves were really huge. The boat was rocking so much I felt like I was going fishing for Alaskan King Crabs.

See that? A Smile - Priceless. So nice :)

Lunch time! Calamari and chips and steaming hot chocolate! YAARRMY! *slurp*

At Chapmans Peak.

Taking this pic was trecherous. The road was round a bend so it was a blindspot. Every other min someone would shout, "CAR COOMMINNG!" and all of us would run helter-skelter and cling to the edges. hehe.

Im the Princess of the World!

Dun we look like we are in some Taiwanese drama? hahaha...

SO cute!!! Mommy Baboon with Baby Baboon. *awww!*

Back in 2005....

And back at the Cape of Good Hope in 2006! Now how many people can say they've been there... TWICE. And if he looks familiar... Yes its the same dude from Male. You stalker you.... ;)

At Cape Point. See that white spot in the ocean behind me? Thats exactly where the two Oceans meet. :)

I'm always getting pounced upon by other tourists! At least they were keeping me warm... Love this pic! :)

Can you see?? Can you SEE?! I stole this off Dave's cam. It's Mr. Whaley's tail! We know its a "Mr." coz only the males surface with their tails to showoff to the females. Typical...

Penguin Parade! I was trying to blend in... did it work? ;p

How loving is that? Did you know penguins mate with that one partner for life? Sigh...

Dude! Stop taking candid shots of me! haha.. but its kinda funny coz i never realise all the stupid expressions I have sometimes.. Stole all the pics back from him. Humph.
Man... My throat still hurts. *croak*
Haha. You went to Capetown again? I went there again just 2 weeks ago too! And I told the cabin crew not to go for the safari cos " the last time I was there ,my friend did not get to see many animals " .... :)
Nice pics!
Mr Mua Ha Ha
Good advice babe! hahaha. We missed each other.. by two weeks! hahaha.. Did you do anything interesting? Shark diving? hehehe... :p
ahhh...a beta bet of seeing whales
(or their tails) in CPT than in BNE. hahah...
looked like fun...:)
Did not do much this time round.. Just went to Belthazar for an excellent T-Bone steak. mmmmm.......
Ya lah.. missed you by just 2 weeks.. shuckaroos, or else I'd have gone on the tour with you again... :P
Mr Mua Ha Ha.
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