Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Super Nuah

Jem asked me on a Friday, "Wanna go Cafe Del Mar?"

Wah of course man. I love nuah-ing by the sea. :)

But knowing my luck in life, I woke up to cloudy skies and thundery showers.


We steadfastly continued driving on to Sentosa and I continued to persistently sing "Rain Rain Go Away..." in my awful off-key singing.

Mr. Cumulonimbus was obviously not listening to me. Think he was watching some Korean Drama and crying all over the place. Or maybe it's my awful singing? :/

The rain finally DID stop. Lying on the deck chair, I read my book, while keong snoozed the afternoon away.

Cloudy as it may have been. It was still nice. :)

Decided to round off our day with dinner at Apollo Banana Leaf for their super-power fish head curry. It was SO GOOD, I ate at least 6 poppadums and LOADS of rice.

The waiter had ladled two scoops of rice on my banana leaf and stopped, then gave me a look which said, "Enough?" You gotta be kidding my friend... MORE!!! I grinned and pointed to my banana leaf. He smiled, did his head shaking thing those Indians do so wonderfully, and heaped another scoop of rice on my leaf.

I later had another two portions of rice. Then finished off with the poppadums.

Sigh. And I wonder why I'm so fat. Bleah.

My Neverfull! Hee................ ;p Yes la.. I'm mad enuf to lug a brand new LV bag to the beach.

Relak-king away... :)

"Eat Me!", said Freddy the (Curry) Fish Head.

"With pleasure", said Geri.


And Freddy was dead.


(What the Fuck right? Hahahaha... ;p)

Friday, July 27, 2007

Dr. Evil

I stepped into the dental clinic this afternoon to be greeted by a chirpy Dr. Lee.

"Ready to save your tooth?", he asked.

"Oh yes of course!", I chirped back.

"You're a brave girl right? No anesthetic required for you?"

"Oh no no. None needed.", I scoffed. Why would I need pain killers for? I revel in pain. Pain makes me feel alive.

Or wish for death too, I would soon find out.

The drilling started, the scraping followed. I was dying from holding back my screams. My face was flinching and the hair on my arms were all standing on end. At one point I flinched so visibily that he stopped and apologized.

I don't think he was very sorry.

As he was scraping away, I told myself how I swear I would stop buying bubble tea. Wait. I cant stop drinking it, I will order it without the bubble pearls. Wait.. maybe with just LESS pearls?

No pain is worth me giving up my bubble tea.

One thing I definately learned though, never see a dentist just before his lunch hour.

A Hungry Doctor is a Dangerous Doctor.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007



The towering skyscrapers, the stinky streets, the noise, the incessant flow of people and traffic… whee!!!

After hearing so much and seeing so much about New York on TV, it was such a feast to finally get to see and experience New York for myself. :)

Of course there was the obligatory sightseeing… but first - SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!

*AIEEEEeeeee!* *Shoves my way into Abercrombie & Fitch*

After stomping on my credit card to put out the flames, I made my way out of A&F to do alittle sightseeing around town.

As I was heading out the entrance, what do I spy with my little eye…?



He insisted on going home with me and wanted to marry me, you know? Said I was the most beautiful woman he has ever met. I felt it wasn’t fair for him.. to leave his family and all… Anyway… I figured Angie would try to snatch him away from me even before I got off the airplane, so I decided to leave him there.

Sigh. Yeah RIGHT.

Let me fantasize abit, can? ;p

Anyway Whey Li and myself headed off to Rockerfella Centre and then to Times Square.

Times Square was amazing! It was such a rush to be where all the major networks broadcast from. NBC, CBS, NASDAQ, MTV… cool or waaat.

I had my dream come true when I stood outside MTV’s TRL studio! You know, where all the people who cant make it into the studio stand outside and yell? Well, it was just so cool for me to stand there and look up the studio’s window… hee. Sucker me.

Day Two’s plan was to visit Lady Liberty, have a peek at Ground Zero and view the Empire State and Chrysler Buildings. I shall let the pictures do the talking.

On my last morning I headed out to Central Park (No, I didn't find Central Perk.. ;p) then rushed to do all my last minute shopping. You should have seen me... running from shop to shop. I was that mad Chinese woman, arms full of shopping bags dashing across the roads and zooming from store to store.

And now, I'm flat... and broke.




Shopping for Birkies in Frankfurt.

Trump Tower! Now where's that man with the bad comb over....

LIVE! From Radio City Music Hall....!

At Rockerfella Centre.

Amazing, colourful Times Square!

Times Square - Land of Television Networks :)

MTV TRL! *AHHH!!!!* Iwas happily walking along when I saw the sign "Foot Locker". I screeched to a halt, looked across and saw "MTV" and I was screaming "YAYY!!! I FOUND IT!" heeheehee.

Inside the massive Toys R Us at Times Square

Geri Loves NY!

And cute yellow cabs too! :)

M&M World.

Goofing around in the M&M store and doing the Pointy Saturday Night Fever Dance with the Blue M&M. It's Obvious I didnt dare point THAT high... haha.. Paiseh leh!

Shopping Conquests from Abercrombie! (Oh and one of my FOUR Longchamp bags I bought in Frankfurt. Don't. Just Don't ask...)

Yayy! The Statue of Liberty!

NY Skyline. I kept wondering as I stood there, how it would have looked that fateful September morning, to see two buildings tumble down from where I stood. *shiver*

Me and Lady Liberty. :) Aren't the little Japanese girls SO cute??!

She's beautiful... against the backdrop of a cloudless sky...

Ferry Ride back to NY. In the words of my colleague, "Look! You're naked in NY!" Rigghhtt...

Bull Run! The infamous bull sculpture in Wall Street.

Err.. I cant find anything in my bag either!

Ground Zero. It's strange you know..? How a site of such great tragedy has so quickly become a tourist spot.

The Empire State Building! Honestly... we couldnt recognise it. I had to try and visualise the building King Kong was hanging from and I was like.. "yeah.. this is the one.";p

Chrysler Building - so often confused with the Empire State Building. Just coz its so much prettier. :)

Walking through Central Park on a Sunday morning, listening to a lone saxaphonist play jazz tunes... It's impossible to describe how nice it was. :) And it really is such a lovely, much-needed oasis of greenery in the middle of a crazy concrete jungle...

All the famous streets of NY! Now if I can only find the sign board for Sesame Street.... ;p

Peace to America! And Peace to Our World :)