Well.. I can never get enough of going to the Maldives...
And how excited I was when I saw I was rostered for such a long stay, knowing that I was going to be in the 2nd last group of crew who will be enjoying this long stay... :)
It was great coz most of the crew had the same mindset as me... chiong Chiong CHIONG!
So we went kayaking everyday, for three days! It was my first time kayaking.. and I was thinking, how hard can it be to paddle...?
And I tot I was pretty fit.
Thank God I was partnered with nice Dave who taught me the basics of paddling.. and the poor guy ended up paddling half the journey.
It was tough. I was pathetic.
And by the time we came back, the others had already returned their kayaks and were having a rest when we finally appeared round the island many many minutes later.
Oh the shame.
The second day.. we partnered again.. and appeared last again. Drat it. But hey, we were paddling in the pouring rain in the open sea dammit. Gimme some credit.
The last day, I partnered with Denise, and I refused to come in last...
I paddled like I was in the Kayaking World Championship Finals with a 10 million dollar prize.
Dave was laughing at my look of determination as I paddled furiously away... well, eat my sea water u turkeys!
Well, at least this time I came in a decent 2nd... :)
After all the furious paddling, four of us headed to the spa to have a good full-body massage.
The masseuse said to me, "take you top off." I panicked. I mean, I've never stripped infront of a total stranger since my spinal check in Sec 1. So i told her, "err.. can i keep my top on?" After all I was only wearing my bikini top.
"No. Top off."
Fine. Top off then.
It wasnt so bad... afterall, I was faced down and all that was exposed was my back.
After near falling asleep, she told me, "Now turn over please.."
Ack! okok. Be cool Geri. Dun be so suaku. Its doesnt matter. U have no boobs afterall...
So I flipped over, and she very discreetly raised the towel so that she couldnt see my boobs. After covering me, then came ANOTHER question, "You want chest and stomach massage?"
You should have heard the long, LONG akward pause. A million questions were running through my mind.. then i thought, "fuck it", and jerkily nodded my head.
So she proceeded to massage me from my feet up and then lifted the towel off and I squeezed my eyes tightly closed.
"MissS? You okay? Too cold?"
She must have seen my expression.
"Nono.. Im okay. Good. Good."
So she proceed to squirt oil on her hands and massage it all over my chest and tummy.
Wah. I've discovered a new technique for foreplay.
Lets just say I walked out a happy girl. ;)
Now on to other things....
I had arranged for a Dolphin Watching and a Night Fishing trip on the second day... Expecting a leisurely boat ride, I was taken aback at the sight of the speed boat we were being ushered into.
Good Lord. I was almost as terrified as I was on the last time I took the banana boat ride. Almost.
Trying to stifle my screams, I resorted to humming out the tune to "Hawaii-Five-O" like an idiot as we careened over the waves at a warp speed.
Nobody cared to join in the singing with me. Perhaps they were busy stifiling their screams too...
I forgot my fear the moment we spotted our first pod of dolphins.
It was a dream come true for me! I've always wanted to see dolpins in the wild.. They lept infront of us but disappeared almost as suddenly as they appeared. Despite all our efforts at whistling, clapping and hooting, they weren't exactly a very co-opporative bunch and kept disappearing. I couldnt even get a damn pic of them.
Oh well. Maybe next time.
*strikes dolphins off my fav animal list*
Heh.. kiddingkidding.
So it was off to Night Fishing. I caught two fishies! Albeit small ones... but still! :)

Im always feeding the fishies! ;p

Somehow they REALLY loved Dave's legs...

Off to the spa!

Going all tropical with the flower.. hehe..

From Left: Mike, Me, Diana & Cpt Jim.

Beautiful Maldivian sunset...

My itty bitty catch of the day! One fishfinger coming up! ;)

Representatives for the World Kayaking Championships 2006... bleah.

From left: Me, Dave & Denise, after a good snorkel :)

Love the blue, blue sea...
Im glad I wasnt stuck in the room and had another good trip!