More AcCCcKLand Adventures...
Well, I'm sorry I have to split my Auckland entry into two.. I spent too much time describing the whole Broccoli Drama.. It was impossible to squeeze all into one..
You guys would get a headache..
So anyway I got bored on my 2nd day in Auckland and went out. And the only attraction I knew in Auckland?
The Sky Tower.
And the one thing great about the not knowing how to get to the Sky Tower? Just look up, see this massive tower, and keep walking towards it. ;p Easy Peasy.
So I paid my ticket and walked towards the lifts that would take me 300meters up to the Obeservation Level and Sky Deck. As I was greeted by the Sky Tower Staff, the guy took my ticket and chatted with me.. and suddenly he said, " M'aam.. You really have a beautiful smile."
Wah. I could have leaped off the Sky Tower and burst into song at that point... I know Im such a sucker and he probably says that to every damn tourist.. but.. *BEAM*
So up I went and the first thing I saw when I stepped out of the lift was somebody hurtling past outside the viewing windows.
I figure the guy must have told her she had a nice smile too.
(she was doing the Sky Jump.. If u din get it.)
The views were really really nice. I never thought Auckland was so pretty :) (Ok. Fine. so I take "AccCCkLand" back...)
And there were these glass panels on the floor where you could just stand over and look straight down to the street 300meters below. I tell you.. I really couldnt bring myself to stand over it. It felt so damn WRONG.
There was this sign which said, "The glass is as strong as concrete."
So there I was hanging on the handholds, telling myself that it is OKAY. "The glass is as strong as concrete.. the glass is a strong as concrete." Well. It didnt help.
Like some kitty cat scared of water, I was leaning over to look down and tapping my foot very tentatively over the glass... I bet the staff milling about were trying very hard not to laugh. What finally gave me the courage to walk over the glass? When I saw this elderly japanese couple walk very nonchalantly over the glass and take pics. Dammit. Geri, you piece of chickenliver you....
It was nice, sitting up there, just watching the world go by below you while you have nothing else better to do. ;p
Auckland Sky Tower

They have a cool viewing window on the lift floor! :)

Lovely panoramic views of Auckland. Do you see the old volcano behind?

Looking straight down is scary okay...

Im off to Maldives tonight! I checked the weather and it looks BAD. Dammit. Thunderstorms and howling winds. Probably no 3 days of nuahing in the sun. So i got myself a book to read. Its sad coz i've seem to stopped reading for a while.. I used to gobble books for breakfast, lunch and dinner... Anyway im gonna give this book by Neil Humphreys a go. I like his columns in the Today paper and his wry sense of humor.

No wonder I write like a Columnist. A bad one, that is.
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