Wednesday, October 11, 2006

In Pursuit of Perfection

I never thought I was a Perfectionist.

Was chatting with a colleague the other day and she asked what star sign I was. So I told her, "Virgo..". She was like, "Ooo. Perfectionist."

I know thats what they say about Virgos.. but I never really thought I was a perfectionist. Im so "heck care" about alot of things that I'm hard pressed to say that I'm a perfectionist.

Im know I can be really anal about stupid things.. Like my CDs have to be placed with the pictures and words straight in the CD cover.. I have to get ready in exactly this time and leave my home at this time.. Those are not the hallmarks of a perfectionist. Its just Anal.

And no it doesn't mean I do anal. So don't bug me.

Okay I digress yet again...

Anyway I was upset when I got back from flight that day... I didn't understand why I couldn't do a good job. I kept beating myself up over it so much I couldnt sleep. So when I spoke to Jem over the phone, I was so cranky and suddenly burst into tears.. which left him really, REALLY irritated.

And he said this to me, "You are such a Perfectionist you expect yourself to be perfect. You can't accept failures and flaws... In yourself and even in others around you... You and NOBODY is perfect."

Now that stopped me wailing and left me sniffling and hiccing over the phone.

In the back of my mind I was going, "Ooooh... thats where my Perfectionist gene went..."

And those words really left me thinking..

It really explained alot. I had never realised that I was unconsiously trying to carve out Miss Perfect and Mr. Perfect.

I know that Im FAR from perfect.. and I know there is no such thing as Mr. Prefect (That is a proven myth).

When I told Angie about it she said, "Yaah.. you are a Perfectionist ah.. You like things this way, must be that way..."


I guess it time to stop trying so hard.

Come.. Relak one corner with me. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

and you know what...?
my housemate thinks im so very much like "Monica" from F.R.I.E.N.D.S.

too anal for my own good.

a 2.5mm can get me all so
irritated and disturbed.


welcome to the club, i suppose?

am in invited into your corner though?


8:33 PM  
Blogger Geri said...

Sigh.. we two "jian" sisters are more alike then we like.. haha.

And of course you are invited to "lepak" in my corner. Im happy to squeeze squeeze together wif u...*mmmFFppH! ;)

5:06 PM  

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