Geri is STILL Grouchy
Was looking through a blog which Ron passed the link to me the other day..
She's a local girl and super CHIO.
I feel so miserable.
It made me wonder... Wat the hell am I doing putting my stupid ugly face on the internet and telling my stupid lame life stories for the world to see and read?!
She should. She's pretty. Even I cant stop drooling.
Im sorry I cant put the link up here for u guys.. coz i dun think it would be right. Ask me privately and I will give u the link...
Grouchy. Miserable. Whiny.
Its so hard to love me.
I should quit.
oh, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, please!
PLEASE don't be crazy!
like, what the hell...?!
i don't me...
and i'm sure many others...
you, Geraldine Lee C** L*ng is P-R-E-T-T-Y!
both inside and out!
Yah me, you are CHIO!
Stop thinking such mad thoughts lah...
If I were to start obsessing, you'd probably laugh at me being silly. And you think you know why I am stressed when i go out with you and angie.
There's always gonna be someone prettier than you, but who's prettier than you on the inside? That counts for more.
josh is sick, took him to the doctor's today.
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