Payback Time..
After all the fun in Male, there has to be some payback time...
So off I went to London.
And I came back.
My mum asked, "How was London?"
Well, the highlight of the day was that they screened, "Top 10 Celebrity Sex Videos" on channel 4 at 10pm.
I fell asleep around Sex Video No. 5 and woke up at Sex Video No. 2 to see Pamela Anderson bouncing around Tommy Lee.
Jem was so excited when I told him what I watched in London. He couldnt believe it. He wanted a blow by blow account (no pun intended) of all the videos.
Well, No. 1 was Paris Hilton. How shocking. *yawn*
When I told Jem I fell asleep halfway, he freaked out. "How could you POSSIBLY fall asleep??!!!"
Hey. I was tired. And there are only so many grainy videos and naked boobs you can see at one go.
I'd rather make my own video.
Ok dear, tats a good idea.... we can be famous!!! hee hee
*slaps forehead*
*slaps Jem*
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