Monday, January 29, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Pai Kah Pai Chiu
And that is the team name we gave ourselves when we went to play paintball on Sunday.
Ten of us, Ron, Minghan, Angie, Tim, Ying, Henry, Veron, Ben, Keong and myself gathered to play paintball at TAG Paintball, Orchid Country Club.
Paintball was SO FUN! Although I was probably the worst and most scardy cat player.. ;p
What was awful was that the pitch was SO muddy from the rain we were literally sinking and sloshing thru the mud…
It was shocking to see how far and how powerful the paint pellets were. And yes… getting shot HURT.
But what I really loved was that everyone was so sporting and game. We din care about the mud. Nobody complained about the terrible bruises and the muscle aches. Everyone was prepared to just enjoy themselves and CHIIOONNG!!!
And this was how the game went (well, for me at least...)
We were split into two teams. Decked out in our full face masks and body protective gear, the teams assembled at each end of the field.
“Alright… Now MingHan And Ben. You flank the left. Ying, you go to the center and Geri and I will take the right side… ok?” Sergeant Keong orders.
“Yes Sir!” We answer in unison. And before we knew it, the siren was off.
“WAARRGHH!!!” My teammates holler at they rush forward into battle.
(Me, at the back of the field.) *squichsquishsquig* As I tip-toe through the mud and try very hard not to fall flat on my face.
*RATATATAT* ferocious battle sounds whiz through the air.
(Me, still somewhere at the back of the field) *squishsquich* *tippy toey*
The referee spots me tip toeing by and starts to yell at me, “Comeon!! You are too far back!! Run forward!!!”
I could have stopped, turned and shot him at that point.. But he was a nice guy.. so I decided to spare him. ;p
After what seemed like an eternity, I finally made it to one of the barrels, crouched behind it and started shooting blindly at anything that moved.
Look Im a girly, girl okay? I’ll just DIE if u send me to the army. ;p
Nevertheless, I had LOADS of fun. And I DID shoot a couple of them down okay…
Wonder when we can play again? ;)
Pristine Shoes BEFORE. (Its obvious I dun excercise huh? Everyone was suaning me over my blinding white shoes.. humph)
Yuccky Muddy Shoes After!
G.I. Janes during our halftime break
Tim, very dramatically describing the last battle. :)
Hose Down!
Muddy (But still pretty) girls... ;)
Muddier Boys...
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Extreme Makeover
Ive been a mad demon these past couple of days. I cleared out all the junk in my room (you wonder how come you can accumulate so much stuff!), scrubbed my loo and redecorated my room!
I FINALLY got rid of my sagging shelf (yes.. you all know which disgusting shelf im talking about).
Bought some storage benches from Ikea and built them up myself! (I know.. its like idiot proof furniture.. but STILL! Im so proud of myself.. *beam*).
But alas! After slogging to build up the drawers for three hours, unplugging all the electronics, untangling the mess of cables and cleaning up all the dust balls.. I placed the benches under my window.. and I HATED it.
It looked like freaking pine coffins. Even my mum agreed.
After much debate, we finally decided to remove one of the drawers and convert the bench into my work area.
So it was more cleaning, moving and rearranging and finally! Im pleased with the final layout.
Its not sexy, not exactly cozy.. its definately not interior magazine material.
And thats what I really love. :)

*sings* Booob the builder.. can we fix it? Boooob the builder.. Yes we can!
*sings* Booob the builder.. can we fix it? Boooob the builder.. Yes we can!
I really like fixing up stuff.. :)
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Life Can Be So Strange
Its quite queer...
Because I keep having strange encounters with strangers... who incidentally end up being strange people. ;p
I met Angie the other night for kopi at our usual kopi tiam haunt..
After bitching until 12 am.. I left for a min to go to the ladies and when I came back.. what do I see? Some guy sitting at the next table chatting her up..
Okay.. honestly.. thats not the strange bit. Afterall, men chatting her up is very normal.
But we ended up entertaining this guy (apparently he claims he's a R&D engineer for Motorola) for the next hour and a half.
Nevermind that I thought he was very ignorant of his product and very uninformed about the telecommunications industry...(he was obviously very intimidated by the bombastic words I was throwing at him) the final straw came when he commented on how fair Angie is and how her cheeks are so rosy like that of, and I quote, "a sweet Beijing Peach!"
I nearly spit out my teh.
Not that my darling Angie is not beautiful.. but oh the comparison! I think I will taunt her for the longest time with that line... ;p Angie.. you're too pretty for your own good.
The next day, I was waiting at my block's lift lobby for my dad. I had bought a couple of shelves from Ikea and was waiting while he parked the car.
So as I was loitering, a young lady stood next to me and started staring and smiling at me.
I was so confused and honestly, alittle terrified.
She was just standing there, not going into the lift.
"Do I know you?", I asked finally.
She smiled and replied, "You're very pretty."
My jaw dropped and I could only just gape at her like a goldfish.
There was more to our little exchange but I won't bore you with the rest.
In essence, though Im flattered... Lady, I think you must be blind, alittle mad, and drunk.
Oh.. and not to mention strange.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Football Crazy!
No.. Im not exactly football crazy. More like football drives me crazy...
The gang decided to watch Singapore vs. Vietman at the Kallang Stadium.
Angie and I were trying to plan escape excuses. hahaha... ;p
But as much as I can't seem to REALLY love the game (but that doesn't mean I dont appreciate it), I love being at the stadium. Listening to all the crappy insults hurled and the funniest comments and gestures made by the spectators. :)
As long as I had my Don's chicken pie to eat during the match... I was a happy camper.
Alas.. Angie and I failed to make our escape... ;p
Yes.. Lee Ah Ming showing his support for our Lions.. ;)
Everyone up for the national anthem!
My Chicken Pie! *CHOMP*
Advertising for Don.. He should pay us.... ;p
Before the match started, Ron suddenly turned around and said, "You know what my friend Chris said? He said that girls who eat alot have a very high sex drive." And that whole while.. she was looking straight at me.
Me: What?! *munching on chicken pie*
Friday, January 12, 2007
You Fucking Pervert
There's something called making fun.
It's fine if you want to joke with me.
But don't.. DON'T cross that line and touch me.
Coz it bloody makes me sick.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Sunday, January 07, 2007
I'm Sick of Being Sick
My body is rebelling.
Apparently there is only so much it can take. And there is only so much of me being sick that I can take.
I honestly cannot remember when was the last time I was feeling fine for a stretch.
My friends are like, "Sick... AGAIN??".
Yeah.. again.
I need a good, long break.
I need to find the time to just do nothing.
Someone asked me, "Are you happy? Maybe you're not happy that's why you keep falling sick..."
Hmm.. Maybe. It's an interesting theory.
Oh well.
*coughcough* *blownose*
Thursday, January 04, 2007
I Am The Lord of The Ring!
Yea.. Right... Watever.
Aiyah, I went for the Lord of the Rings tour while I was in Christchurch... and I had such a blast!
I loved the beautiful scenery, the LOTR trivia provided by our Tourguide (He was really good! More about him later...) and the wonderful mixture of people who joined the tour. We had one Aussie, one American, two Brits, two Irishmen, two Dutchmen and us two joker Singaporeans!
So you could imagine all the different stories we were all sharing with each other. :)
We visited the spot where they built the set for the City of Rohan and the scenery surrounding the the area was really as beautiful as it was in the movie.
Honestly, its the first time I have managed to see snow capped mountains and AGAIN I was that idiot smiling to myself in the bus.
My colleague, Ancella, and I woke up to a blustery, cold morning. The tourguide took one look at our pathetic outfits and said, "Do you both have anything thicker to wear? And your shoes... do you both have sturdier shoes?"
Three pairs of eyes looked down at my dainty ballerina shoes with its cute little bows.
Three pairs of eyes then glanced at Ancells'a pretty flats.
Ancella and I sheeplishly glanced at our tourguide's sturdy hiking boots.
We could only grin.
Thankfully I did have thicker clothes and we bundled up with everything we had and headed off.
As we travelled along to the tour site, we passed the following:
- farmland
- sheep
- cows
- farmland
- sheep
- cows
Now times that by ten.
But I still loved the scenery. Sheep and cows are still novelties to me. :)
Ok.. I shall let the pictures do all the talking. And honestly, the pictures do not do the scenery justice.
Oh! And before I forget, I was saying about our super cool tourguide. He had worked with Peter Jackson on the LOTR Trilogy and on his movie "King Kong".
And he picked up two Oscars for SoundMixing for "The Return of the King" and "King Kong"! SO COOL! I had a celebrity tourguide! He was so nice and humble too. *gush*
Okok. I shut up now. PIXXIES!
First Stop! The Rakaia Gorge. Unfortunately due to the rains, the water was a cloudy grey instead of its usual beautiful blue. Oh well, I have never seen grey water before.... :)
We stopped by this really quaint, small town General Store for a quick grab for coffee or snacks. It was really so pretty, even in the store!
Beautiful Lake Clearwater! I loved wonderful view of the mountains behind the lake :) And yes its me in my wonky poses again. hehehe. ;p
Going off-roading! It was fun driving over creeks and streams! *whee*

Climbing up Mt. Sunday - The film site for the City of Rohan
Climbing up Mt. Sunday - The film site for the City of Rohan
FOR ROHAN!!!! *ROAR* *Gallops off on horse* ;p
The wind was blowing at about 90km/h, and those swords were really heavy! It was hard posing!
And guess who we found! GIMLI! (He was one of the Dutch tourists, but he really did look the part... ;p)
LoveLoveLovevvvee the view. :)
Stopped for lunch at this cute lodge called Mt. Potts Lodge.
Lounging around after lunch... ;)
Lovely views around the lodge. *sigh* I heard the tinkling sound of water as I was exploring the area around the lodge and came across this beautiful stream. If only I had the time, I would have sat there all day, dipping my toes into the water, just dreaming and listening...
Signing off now. Going to lie down and read. Nothing like cough mixture and flu medicine to make you feel like a piece of jell-o.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Welcome Home Ah Ron!
Sharon surprised us all by turing up for our New Year's Eve Party!
The moment I saw her I shouted while pointing and jumping up and down, "I KNEW IT! I KNEW YOU WOULD TURN UP!"
Somehow, I just knew it would be just like her to pull a stunt like this :)
The gang gathered at Ter's house to have our New Year's Eve Countdown/Belated Christmas gathering.
We decided on a potluck and everyone brought along a dish!
We brought:
-Roast Beef from Pan Pac (Must emphasize from Pan Pac la..) (Angie & Ron)
-Roasted Potatoes (Me)
-Devils Curry (Ah Keong)
-Pizza and Ribs (Daren & Jenny)
-Salad (Ming Han)
-Deep fried Mars Bars! (Tiffy)
I had one too many deep fried mars bars that my tonsils have swollen up.
Nevertheless we had fun. It was great to see Sharon and Ming Han again! :)
Now I will hate going to BNE. Bleah.
Whose wedding dinner was this again? haha...
All the girls!
Sharon & Me. :)
Feasting Time!!!
Keong and Me :)
The Killer Deep Fried Mars Bars!
My Christmas pressies from Tiffy! A luggage tag which say "Par Avion" and an Ugly Doll! Yes! It literally IS called an ugly doll! Ugly.. but DAMN CUTE!
Bonding with Mr. Ox. Tats the name given. Dun ask me why. And obviously I cant wink with one eye properly. hehehehe... ;p
Group Pic!
Thanks for the great time everyone! :)