As you guys know I have been in Johannesburg. So while there, Voon, Geraldine (Yes there was another Geraldine on my flight…), Ken and I went to visit Lion’s Park, a small private game reserve where they keep LOTS of lions… among some other animals. :)
It was kinda like a self-drive safari, so our driver just drove right through the reserve. And that made it feel very private and fun!
The first animal we spotted was a pretty giraffe (which I shall name Sweetie Pie). Soon after we spotted Sweetie Pie, he spotted us and started very purposefully striding towards us and before we knew it, he was poking his head into our vehicle window with us girls shrieking away. Finding nothing interesting to chew on, Sweetie Pie went off to harass the car behind us.
After going through the “Not-So-Scary-Animal” sanctuary, we headed into the lions pit and drove through the lion’s sanctuary. Honestly, the lions weren’t so scary either, coz they were all fed, happy and lazy. No growling, no pacing.. not even a damn purr. Guess the only sound we heard coming from them was snoring. *zzz*
I could have dangled my fat ass out of the window and they wouldn’t even have cared.
Not that my ass is even a delectable piece of meat…
Oh well.
After the drive through, we proceeded to “Hug-A-Cub”, were we could actually pat and take pics with the baby lion cubs. They were sweet, oh-so-cute.. and exactly like their sleepy adult relatives.
Now you must be wondering why the hell I named a Giraffe “Sweetie Pie”. Coz he was really such a sweetie pie!
We bought pellets to feed Sweetie Pie (He had happily made his way to the visitors feeding area….oh you smart thing you… *gush*) and allowed him to lick our hands to death.
I LOVVEEE his face and his expression. Its just melts my heart when he bats those long lashed eyes at me. I would have brought him home with me if I could’ve just squeezed him into my cargo bag.
*imagine look on my mom’s face when she spots Sweetie Pie chewing on her plant*
From left: Geraldine, Geraldine and Voon!
Sweetie Pie spots us...
Sweetie Pie peeks in...
And Sweetie Pie heads off to Ka Chiau the next car... ;p
He was VERY deep in thought. He literally blocked the road and and stood in that same position for ten minutes before he finished his (very long) train of thought.
Beautiful, abeit sleepy, lions. :)

Lion climbing up the tree!

*patpat* Niccee lion... Goood lion...

Group Pic!
*zzzz* *snore* *purr*

My hair smells nice? ;)

Its Sweetie Pie again!

"Tounge-ing" each other.. hehehe... *tbbpph*

Me, indignant that Sweetie Pie is trying to steal the whole bag of treats.

*chew* *chomp*
As we were traveling on the bus to Lion’s Park, Geraldine suddenly turned to me and exclaimed, “Now I know who you look like!”
I slowly turned to look at her and very apprehensively asked, “Who…?”
“Aiyah.. Im sure a lot of people have said this to you before…”
My heart clenched and I feared the worse. “No, it cant be again..”, I thought.
“You look like Cynthia Koh!”
*Opens door and flings myself out of moving van*