This Is SO Not Fun...
I hate tonsilitis.
Tonsillitis (ton-sil-lie-tiss) is an inflammation of the tonsils caused by an infection. In tonsillitis, the tonsils are enlarged, red, and often coated (either partly or entirely) by a substance that is yellow, gray, or white. Tonsillitis usually occurs as part of a pharyngitis (throat infection). Tonsilitis usually begins with sudden sore throat and painful swallowing.
I've been having constant fever for the past four days.
I've slept the past two days away.
I feel like a zombie.
I look like a zombie that has been run over by a truck.
Im entitled to be whiny.
Bite me.
mmmmm... Crispy....
Mr. Mua Ha Ha
Wait. Are you both biting me or muching on cripsy things to spite me... ?
well, you asked to be bitten!
but speaking of crunchy things, i have a bag of potato chips in the fridge calling my name.
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