Happy Birthday to Ron and Ter!
Celebrated Sharon's and Ter's birthday last Saturday! *whee*
All 14 of us gathered for dinner at our fav Chong Ching Hotpot restaurant for some super spicy steamboat! (I didn't touch the spicy mala soup at all though... scared to death for my poor tonsils... ;p)
The restaurant manager actually sang birthday songs in English, Cantonese, Hokkien and TAMIL! He was a real champ!
My friends then burped flames all the way to Zouk (I didnt eat anything spicy, so I only had cute, delicate burps.. *grin*)
Can I say this.... I haven't been to Zouk in AGES... but GOSH IT SUCKS!
There was barely anyone.. I think the place only survives coz of Mambo Nights.
And there was one dude sporting a weird Afro hairdo and wearing a WHITE LAB COAT.
Dude... if you haven't noticed. YOU'RE A MONTH LATE FOR HALLOWEEN.
And he thought he looked so cool.
Okok... I shall stop being mean.
Anyway my group must have been the most "beng" group Zouk has ever seen.
We were playing "5,10", shouting hokkien words and we ended up with playing cards stuck to our foreheads.
The bouncer drew the line when he saw us sticking cards to our foreheads and roaring with laughter.
He confiscated our cards can. Like fucking secondary school.
Party Pooper. Humph.
We are just so not cool enough for Zouk.
Bah. BOYCOTT! ;p

From a group of just 8.. we have grown to 14 of us! :)

Birthday Boy and Girl! :)
And On to Zouk!

Multicoloured concoctions :)