Happy Belated B'Dae Ter Ter! :)
So we had a really belated bdae celebration for Ter... ;p
It was us four musketeers again... Daren was in batam for work again and Tiff was OT-ing..
Managed to get a table at Kuishinbo. Din know it was so ex! But the food was good.. and they had Alaskan Crabs! It was so GOOD! *yum* One of the few times i saw Angie eat crabs... had to faster take photo. haha...
We were late for our Harry Potter movie... I was in charge of collecting the tickets and you should have seem me fly out of the taxi and into the shopping centre! People were siaming out of my way.. you would think I was a snatch thief or sumthing... haha. But we made it! Thank God for advertisements!
Im currently hooked on Amos Lee. Keep playing his songs.. *sigh*

Birthday Boy! :)

Haha.. check out the look on Ter's face while he struggles with the crab and Angie's thoughtful look.

My Dar and Me! :)

Birthday Boy got Candy Floss!

Angie eating crab! *Gasp!* *gaspgaspgasp*

Another photo of Angie and Me! But somehow we never seem pleased with how they turn out.... ;p

Unwrapping pressie! Check out how is tounge sticks out as he removes the wrapper.. hahaha
Happy Birthday Terence! I hope you had fun! :) (Well.. you had better!!!)