Monday, December 29, 2008

Busy Little Bee


I didn't realise almost a month has passed and its only now that I have finally found time to sit here and blog.

I've been damn bloody busy. BUSYBUSYBUSY. (hmmm... if only I could add a "T" between the letters "S" and "Y" of the word "BUSY" and I would be a whole lot happier... ;p )

Let's see... what has happened over the month. Well...

1. My face erupted. *sob* I had Mount Kinabalu and Mount Pinabuto on my chin, and a whole lot of little Mount Fabers. I wanted to die. Somebody should invent a bloody mask (well.. not bloody literally...) that i can just fix over my face and I will have full makeup and perfect skin. Who gives a damn about the Theory of relativity?! Go invent something else important! ;p

2. So.... I bought a ZIT ZAPPER from the US of A. It literally zaps ur zit. It hurts... but it works. No Pain, No Gain.

3. One of the wedding gowns I chose is AWOL. *WAIILLLLLLLL*. Don't Ask. It's too depressing.

4. I moved to my parent's new place. Its bad enough living out of a suitcase. Try living out of a cardboard box.


6. I'm leaving tomorrow.... for.... guess now..... LONDON. Where else? Bah.

7. Oh yeah... I was ticked off by some racist Afrian American woman in San Francisco. Bloody funny story... I will talk about it next time.

Well... I hope everyone had a smashing Christmas! :)

Monday, December 01, 2008

What A Weekend...

I met up with Ivan for lunch and tea on Friday... its always nice to meet up with old friends.

And there's nothing like the cutest teapot and munching on macaroons to cheer ourselves up... :)

I then rushed down to meet Jem who was down with a really bad toothache. I held his hand while he sat in the dentist chair... He had a toothache, and I ended up with a terrible heartache.
It sucks to see your loved one suffer.
And it sucked even more that I had to leave him for London (again!!!) the next day.
It was even colder and even more dreary than it was just a week ago. But coz my sis commanded me to buy baby suits for my God-daughter, I braved the rainy, 4 degree weather and marched down to Oxford Street.
And they say we are having a global recession... it doesn't seem like it with the hoardes of shoppers along Oxford and Bond Street! I literally queued up for almost half and hour just to make payment for the baby suits.... sheesh.
Im still in London. Going home tomorrow. *yayy!*
So far... there hasn't been any moaning and groaning coming from the next room.
Thank God.