Monday, December 29, 2008

Busy Little Bee


I didn't realise almost a month has passed and its only now that I have finally found time to sit here and blog.

I've been damn bloody busy. BUSYBUSYBUSY. (hmmm... if only I could add a "T" between the letters "S" and "Y" of the word "BUSY" and I would be a whole lot happier... ;p )

Let's see... what has happened over the month. Well...

1. My face erupted. *sob* I had Mount Kinabalu and Mount Pinabuto on my chin, and a whole lot of little Mount Fabers. I wanted to die. Somebody should invent a bloody mask (well.. not bloody literally...) that i can just fix over my face and I will have full makeup and perfect skin. Who gives a damn about the Theory of relativity?! Go invent something else important! ;p

2. So.... I bought a ZIT ZAPPER from the US of A. It literally zaps ur zit. It hurts... but it works. No Pain, No Gain.

3. One of the wedding gowns I chose is AWOL. *WAIILLLLLLLL*. Don't Ask. It's too depressing.

4. I moved to my parent's new place. Its bad enough living out of a suitcase. Try living out of a cardboard box.


6. I'm leaving tomorrow.... for.... guess now..... LONDON. Where else? Bah.

7. Oh yeah... I was ticked off by some racist Afrian American woman in San Francisco. Bloody funny story... I will talk about it next time.

Well... I hope everyone had a smashing Christmas! :)


Blogger Honey Buns said...


Glad to know that you're finally blogging again! And you are very funny, as usual!

Ps - can share the name of the zip zapper?

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

london's not that bad. HEAPS of sales around and some pretty good deals too.

eh u spending NYE in london?

4:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eh... borrow your zit zapper?


10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yah boy! is the zip zapper any gooooood????

2:04 AM  

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