If there is one thing I have to say about the Turks, it's that they LOVE their sugar.
I admit I have a really sweet tooth. But they, my God, have sweet teeth.
Nevertheless I had a really great time eating loads of turkish snacks. Baklava, deep fried oysters, some sort of pistachio nut paste (WHICH WAS SO BLOODY SWEET I TELL U...), apple tea and even drinking freshly squeezed pomegranate juice by the road side!
*coughs out sugar cube*
Let's go Makan!! :)

Alex and Me... I can't believe a year had passed since we last did Venice together!

Traditional Turkish Apple Tea! Love the cups!

Baklava attack! Honestly.. I ate most of it. The rest found it too sweet, but I lurrvvee.

Some kinda warm pistachio paste. 90% sugar, 10% pistachio. Anybody got any idea what it's called? We couldn't even finish one teenie cup between the four of us.
Oh, and anybody read Page 4 of today's Straits Times?
First we had one guy calling pizza and KFC deliveries.
Now we have porn and vindictive, face slapping wives.
It really felt quite strange when I walked through the cabin and everyone's newpaper was opened to Page 4.
And a lady walked by me today, pointed and squealed in Mandarin, "Ni Hen Mei!" and poked her finger into my dimple.
I blur sia.
What a surreal day.