Happy 4th Birthday Joshie!
Celebrated Joshua's 4th Birthday today! :)
Lots of food, balloons, a Thomas the Engine birthday cake and of course, lots of toys!
I can't believe what big boy he is already...
It's scary how time has just flown by just like that.
Oh and of course, everyone was fussing over the new addition to our family.
My heart totally melted when I carried sweetie-pie Ashley.
*nudge Jem*
Cute paper plate deco done by my Crafty Mum. (pun intended.. haha)

Grandma and Grandpa enjoying the food. Smile Mum and Dad! :)

Happy Birrrtthhdaayy tooo YOOUUUUU *PHOO!* My Jie, Kevin and Joshie :) My Mum was monopolizing Ashley... haha
And of course, Ah Yee has to get a shot with the Birthday Boy!
And not forgetting....
My God-Daughter and niece, Ashley. All snuggled up and asleep. Gosh she is a cutie.
*continues nudging Jem*
happy birthday, josh!
love his tee, man...heh.
eh, cannot keep nudging...
remember what your mum said.
and yes, ashley's so cuteee...looks like josh, hor?
happy birthday joshie!!!
hey! i wanted to leave a msg here too, saying ashley looks just like josh! heh. like true bro and sis :)such a sweetheart...
ohhh.. thats so cool! from seeing the 3d ultra sound to actually seeing the baby girl now!!!!!
mr mua ha ha :)
btw ah...Jem's hair gel until quite funky huh?
haha if you noticed...doesn't it quite resemble ashley's hair? must be practicing the 'father and child' look ;P *nudge jem for geri*
Wahahaha.. Jem just cut his hair mah...
And yes it does look like Ashley's hair!!
And she is soo cuuttee.. ;p Esp when she opens one eye to peer at you then goes back to sleep. :)
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