Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Call Me Godma
It's a girl!
And my Jie has chosen me as Godma!
I'm gonna be the best Godma and Ah Yee the little buggers could ever wish for.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Off to the Races!
It was Sakura Day at the Singapore Turf Club and Jem's family managed to secure invites!
I had never been to the races and I was so excited!
I really wondered what the crowd would be like.... and I wasn't dissapointed.
So there were two distinct crowds - The upper class rich angmohs/socialites who treat Racing as it was originally meant to be: "The Sport of Kings".
And there was the other crowd, your typical Uncle/Ah Pek type who would rush in toting their newpapers and racing booklets.
I am relieved to say I joined the room with the former. It was really quite posh. Picking at the buffet, sipping wine and placing horse bets.
The people there were betting with stacks of $50 notes, and I stood sheepishly in the queue with my lone green $5 note. (I'm a hopeless gambler!)
I glared at the cashier, daring her to laugh. Thank God she didn't.
But honestly, it was really quite exciting. And I can really see what the draw is.
Maybe if the next time I'm there, I will join the rest of the Ah Pek's at the pit below. :)
Bible of the Day.
The immaculate race track
Go Pago Kid Go!!! (Jem bet on Pago kid. He lost. ;p)
The Happy Punter.
The Happy Suaku Gambler.

My first and winning ticket! (Dun laugh at my $5 bet la...)
Anyway it was Jem's darling's first birthday! (If you didn't realise by now, it's not me. It's his car.)
So I bought a cupcake, poked a candle in and took pictures. Hahaha...
Jem was SO happy.
Happy Birthday! ;)
Thursday, October 11, 2007
No Plopping Luck
I asked Joshie for 4 numbers yesterday.
So he said, "1,2,3,4!"
My sis said, "Hey! Skali come out how?!"
Well, I didn't buy those numbers.
And to my horror when I checked the results yesterday, it came out "4231".
Stupid Bird Plop.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Birdie Plop
So I was walking home from my sis' place today, listening to my Anne Murray album on my ipod (YES I AM AN OLD FOGEY AT HEART...).
Apparently I was lost so deep in my thoughts, coz when I looked down at the paperbag I was carrying, I noticed two white streaks on it.
"Wat the...", I thought.
It took me awhile to realised that it was birdplop/shit/doodoo or whatever you people call it. It has always been birdplop to me.
I was desperately trying to act cool and not to freakout or go ballistic by the roadside.
And it is seriously hard trying to look nonchalant and cool when all u want to do it shriek and inspect everypart of your body and see if there are any telltale signs of plop in you hair.
Noticing no telltale splatters on my body, I then noticed some on my handbag... WARRGH!
YOU'RE A DEAD BIRD! I'll have you roasted! Feathers and all! I hope that fat cat catches you! I hope you break your beak! I hope a car runs over you! *rantrantraverave*
Arriving home, I immediately went online and proceeded to complain to ron.
"Buy 4D!", she exclaimed.
I know that some believe that if a bird plops on you, it's supposed to give you good luck.. well.. knowing my luck... sigh.
So I started preparing for my flight, and when I rechecked my roster.. I discovered that Im not working tomorrow!! I actually have an extra day off!!!!
*kiss birdie*
Wait. That sounds wrong.
So Jem demanded 4 numbers from me for tomorrow's 4D. I told him to add a dollar for me. ;)
Monday, October 08, 2007
I Love Rainy Afternoons
Its raining!
Heavy, pouring rain at 1:30 on a Monday afternoon.
I LOVE!!!!!
Time to sleep!
*points and laughs at everyone who has to work*
*snuggles into bed and sniffs my bolster*
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Last (Wo)Man Standing
So I had a very belated birthday celebration at DragonFly (it was my 18th birthday you know? ;p )
Was supposed to be a combined celebration with Angie, but poor girl was still feeling sick so she didn’t come. Oh well, the party goes on.
(PS. Jem is still very VERY angry with u. whaahhaaaa. Joking la.)
So in the end, ME, the supposed Birthday Girl, remained the Last Woman Standing.
Apparently my alcohol threshold has gone up some. ;p

The happy chiong-sters. ;)

Happy Birthdaaayy too MMEEEeeeee.........

We bought three bottles of Chivas. Half were K.O.-ed before we even finished the last bottle.

Everyone is forced to drink shots! And you wonder why half were pretty drunk-ed out. haha...

Balestier Bak Kut Teh for supper! The best way to round off a power session. :)
And how you know we had a sucessful night?
When we see our friends like this... :)

Thanks guys for all the fun!
Remember... I still have half a bottle waiting. ;)