Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Birdie Plop

So I was walking home from my sis' place today, listening to my Anne Murray album on my ipod (YES I AM AN OLD FOGEY AT HEART...).

Apparently I was lost so deep in my thoughts, coz when I looked down at the paperbag I was carrying, I noticed two white streaks on it.

"Wat the...", I thought.

It took me awhile to realised that it was birdplop/shit/doodoo or whatever you people call it. It has always been birdplop to me.

I was desperately trying to act cool and not to freakout or go ballistic by the roadside.

And it is seriously hard trying to look nonchalant and cool when all u want to do it shriek and inspect everypart of your body and see if there are any telltale signs of plop in you hair.

Noticing no telltale splatters on my body, I then noticed some on my handbag... WARRGH!

YOU'RE A DEAD BIRD! I'll have you roasted! Feathers and all! I hope that fat cat catches you! I hope you break your beak! I hope a car runs over you! *rantrantraverave*

Arriving home, I immediately went online and proceeded to complain to ron.

"Buy 4D!", she exclaimed.

I know that some believe that if a bird plops on you, it's supposed to give you good luck.. well.. knowing my luck... sigh.

So I started preparing for my flight, and when I rechecked my roster.. I discovered that Im not working tomorrow!! I actually have an extra day off!!!!


*kiss birdie*

Wait. That sounds wrong.


So Jem demanded 4 numbers from me for tomorrow's 4D. I told him to add a dollar for me. ;)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

what number are you buying...? :)


7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay... if birdie plop means i get to go out to lunch with you tomorrow, it must be good luck.

11:05 PM  

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