Super Nuah
Jem asked me on a Friday, "Wanna go Cafe Del Mar?"
Wah of course man. I love nuah-ing by the sea. :)
But knowing my luck in life, I woke up to cloudy skies and thundery showers.
We steadfastly continued driving on to Sentosa and I continued to persistently sing "Rain Rain Go Away..." in my awful off-key singing.
Mr. Cumulonimbus was obviously not listening to me. Think he was watching some Korean Drama and crying all over the place. Or maybe it's my awful singing? :/
The rain finally DID stop. Lying on the deck chair, I read my book, while keong snoozed the afternoon away.
Cloudy as it may have been. It was still nice. :)
Decided to round off our day with dinner at Apollo Banana Leaf for their super-power fish head curry. It was SO GOOD, I ate at least 6 poppadums and LOADS of rice.
The waiter had ladled two scoops of rice on my banana leaf and stopped, then gave me a look which said, "Enough?" You gotta be kidding my friend... MORE!!! I grinned and pointed to my banana leaf. He smiled, did his head shaking thing those Indians do so wonderfully, and heaped another scoop of rice on my leaf.
I later had another two portions of rice. Then finished off with the poppadums.
Sigh. And I wonder why I'm so fat. Bleah.
My Neverfull! Hee................ ;p Yes la.. I'm mad enuf to lug a brand new LV bag to the beach.

Relak-king away... :)

"Eat Me!", said Freddy the (Curry) Fish Head.
"With pleasure", said Geri.
And Freddy was dead.
(What the Fuck right? Hahahaha... ;p)
8 Comments: lomantika...
and to Freddy.
when shall we go have Freddy?
i'm's lunchtime and i'm waiting for my tabao to arrive *twiddle fingers*
angie: you have tabao...
me so hungry...
think i shall have nasi padang again later...
with Mister...StoryBook.
almost Friday!
almost BKK (for you both)!
Lunch with Mr. Storybook is nice wat. I like doing that. :)And we girls shall go have dinner with Freddy together!! ;)
can i have some freddy too?
ah jie (and hello ashley!): Of course we can have Freddy! Wah everyone wants to have poor Freddy ;)
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