Hey Singapore!
Remember the cheesy documentary "Hey Singapore!" on Channel 5?
Well Jem and I went our own little "Hey Singapore!" trip! :)
He was sweet enough to allow himself to be dragged around by me to the far north of Singapore to visit the Kranji War Cemetery and to the Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve!
Lalalalala... tee hee.
I know I know... I can hear the collective gasps and the "PWAH! So boh liao ah?" (Translation: WOW! You have alot of free time huh?") (Sorry.. must put la.. in case I got more angmoh ppl looking at my blog not understanding anything...)
But I digress..
I hate it when people whine that there's nothing to do in Singapore... Well, I say there's PLENTY to do. I say its a shame that I, being a Singaporean, have never explored so many places in this tiny island in all my 25 years. (DISCLAIMER: This has nothing to do with the upcoming elections!)
The Kranji War Cemetery was a lovely place. Quiet and peaceful... The tombstones all neatly and smartly lined up. Looking at the names and ages of the young men who died... 21 years, 22 years... all buried far away from home. Kinda made my heart wrench.. The saddest were the unnamed graves. Their families and loved ones probably till this day wondering where their son/husband is laid...
Sungei Buloh was pretty much an unplanned stop. We didn't walk around far or for long as it wasn't the migratory season for birds, but we did catch glimpses of sandpipers, a lone heron, a squirrel jumping right across our path and a couple of huge water monitor lizards :)
Today was hot. It was muggy. I was scorched. I perspired like a pig. I let the mosquitoes feast on my blood.
And because Jeremy was with me every minute of the way and not a complaint out of him... It just made me appreciate him all that much more. He's snoring on my bed now by the way... he's totally pooped out.
Kranji War Cemetery - "They Died for All Free Men"

Jem looking at the names of the victims of the Dogra Regiment

Yep... Its Dr. Benjamin Sheares. Bet u guys din know its a state cemetery too.. :)
Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve

Big Water Monitor Lizard!

Thanks again Dearie! I had fun! *kiss*