So I Like to Be Alone… OK?
Been going out alone in Perth for the past two days… A friend was asking me, “Why don’t you go out with the rest?”
Well, I just don’t want to. Oddly enough… I just like to go out alone. It’s nice to have company... but sometimes being alone is nice. Although I do sometimes wonder if it’s a good idea or maybe get a little scared, I’d still rather be on my own.
I get to go where I want, take my time to browse and I don’t feel obligated to anyone. It’s exciting too, discovering things on your own. At the end of the day, I feel alittle sense of achievement. :)
Well, I went out to Fremantle today. (Yes… On my own...)
First time taking the train. I was obviously one of those suaku tourists who was holding up the queue at the ticket machine coz I had to read the instructions, look for the station I was going to, dig out all my coins… yea. I was “One of those people”. ;p
The train ride was so nice. I enjoyed it and was disappointed when it ended.
Got off at the end of the line in Fremantle and started exploring my way around. Decided to head to Fremantle Prision to have a look see. Glad I went!!! (considering I have been to Alcatraz...) Bought a ticket to join the tour. The tour guide (an ex prison warden) was so good and really funny! I really enjoyed it. When we were in the execution hall, he started talking about Changi Prison and how they have hung so many hundreds of people yadda yadda yadda and all the tourists started shaking their heads and tsking.. I quickly lowered my head and tried not to laugh. Especially since I was the only Asian in the group… I was so afraid he was going to ask me where I was from. ;p (Anyway I’m sure they all thought I was Vietnamese…haha.)
Can I just say this… Aussie TV sucks…. This is the only hotel I know with NO CABLE. The only thing I love about Manila and Bali night stops are the HUGE array of cable channels. Comedy Channel, E! Entertainment… shiokz.
And the comment about Changi Prison? It was the 2nd comment about Singapore I had heard today. The first was on TV and two hosts were interviewing Pauly Shore (apparently some famous standup comedian from the US of A). He was commenting how clean Melbourne was and the female host was asking if he had been to Singapore, as Singapore is apparently much cleaner. He said no… and he started talking about the no chewing gum law and that they probably chop off the hands of litter offenders.
What the...
It really struck me how skewed the Western world’s viewpoint of our country and of Asia is in general.
I guess we are all guilty of stereotyping aren’t we ?
You bloody Angmohs you... (hahaha)

Anzac Day! 25April2006
Perth City

Train Ride to Fremantle


Fremantle Prision

(Check out the artwork on these prison cell walls)

Anyone wanna play Hangman? *gulp*

The leaver is pulled and the person drops down below, tightening the noose. The body is then collected below and up those stairs you see. The chair is provided for those whose legs are too wobbly to stand up on their own. *heartbreak*
hang-man eh? u wanna play huh?
beta not ah...:p
anyway, i like yr pix taken from inside é train!
nice sky!
alrite, enuf of Perth already yah?
when's Brisbane's turn?!
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