Surfin Safari
I went for a Safari in Cape Town! *Whee!*
This was my second time in Cape Town... was SO GLAD that I managed to find someone to go sightseeing with me. :)
Found one kaki to go on the safari together... and off we went the next day!
I paid about SDG400 *gaspgasp*.. And honestly.. it wasn't worth the price. Sigh.... The animals were so few and far between. And honestly... they looked so sad.
No elephants (they din "stock" them) and the lions were all in hiding. Bloody hell. Sianz or wat.
Even with all the the dissapointment... I still had a really great time. In my kaki's words, "the company made it all worthwhile." *smile*
My female colleague and I attempted to search for a place in town to eat. We barely lasted 10 minutes out of the hotel as we were totally freaked out as the people were staring and the men started harrasing us with "where u ladies from?". We literally only crossed two streets and were back in our hotel in less than 10mins from the moment we stepped out. I'd say its not such a safe place. Heh.
I'm hooked on the song "Unpredictable" by Jamie Foxx. Totally F**kalicious song. I say its meant to be listened to while making love.
View of Table Mountain from the Plane

So nice rite... sigh.
The Waterfront


The view on the way there.. I kept smiling to meself when i saw the sun shining on the mountains... :) Cannot explain the feeling.. *sigh*



Giraffe (duh.. dun think u needed me to tell u that...)

Mommy Rhino with Baby Rhino :)

Rhino Plop! The smell was unbelievable! *phoo!* Beats Jem's fart anyday...


Zebras. (When I was young.. I just couldn't spell "zebra". Kept spelling it "zebar". So my mum finally sat me down and said, "You know "bra"? Same as the "zeBRA". I never forgot how to spell after that. Thank you mum. U always know wat makes me tick. )

Wandering Wilderbeast

Up close and personal with Mr. Leopard!

I'll visit you again Africa! :)
Its a cheetah, not a leopard...=)
Shucks! No Lions.... My favourite!
haahhahah..indeed funi..well. cheers to the sadistic safari, guessed its a ripped off for the animals they kept in their wardrobe.
As confucius says its not the destination but the journey and indeed it was..
well worth remembrance of the "bufflo" and the land of the great 5
till the next time...perhaps the land of the "Great Red Square"
Robin: HOLA!!! Thanks! :)
Hellsbane: THANK U!! hahahaha
Jem: Tell me abt it!! The lions were AWOL...
Wildebeest: Thanks for ur company :) AND I TOLD U ITS BUFFALO! hahahaha...
welcome to the "been there, done that REAL safari" gang!
now you don't have to keep whining you've only been to the night safari :)
"been there, done that REAL safari" gang eh?
i've ONLY been to Night Safari...but SO WHAT?
wahahahah! ;p
anyway...i see baby hippos?? so cute!
lalalala...r0nster is le tired.
Angie: U so mean girl.. We dun have to rub it into others' faces that we have been on a real safari... We know in our heart can liao. hahahaha.
Ron: Honestly.. i think I saw so many more animals at the Night Safari with you guys then at this rip off of a safari.. sheesh.
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