Ok so I know I'm no Greek Goddess... (Mebbe Geek Goddess? ;p wahahaha....)
But I swear Greece is BEAUTIFUL! :) I can see why the Ancient Greeks would have felt such a connection to the Gods.
If anything, its the colour blue that left a huge impression on me. The sky is a crazy blue. Its just so BLUE. And the water.. amazingly BLUE. Their houses... painted bright white with blue trim.
I don't think I have ever loved the colour blue so much until now.
Okok.. enough gushing and back to ME.
But first I have to explain about Ricky, a tour leader of a S'porean tour group whom we met on board. He gave us tips on where to go and what to do while in Athens.
So on our first day in Athens, we headed down to Plaka square and had dinner and did alittle souvenir shopping. And who do we bump into but Ricky with his tour group! Such a coincidence.
On Day Two, we joined a cruise to the three islands of Poros, Hydra and Aegina.
And when we boarded the ship, who do we bump into... but Ricky and the S'porean tourists!
Geez! Fated or WAT!?
So he took us under his wing and it was really quite funny, mixing with all the Auntie/Uncle types... ;p
On our final day, we explored the Acropolis and marveled at the ancient architecture. I felt such a sense of awe... touching walls and walking on steps where people used to walk thousands of years ago... :)
I loved Greece so much I made Angie swear to me that we will both do an Athens together and make arrangments to stay at the island of Santorini. I can't wait!!! :)
Athens! Day One...

Yummy lunch of Greek-style Risotto. :)
Five kitty cats all snuggled up in a basket!! How cute is that??!

One more for my mummy's collection. :)
Day Two... To the Three Island Cruise!
The new EU Ambassador? ;p
Can u spot me? hehehe...

Hamming it up for the camera with our new found friends!

And finally... the island of Ageina. LOVE the sunset.
Our Last Day... Off To the Acropolis!

Breathtaking views of Athens from the Acropolis

The Parthenon. Ain't she grand? Shame about the scaffolding everywhere though...

The Erechtheion's Porch of Maidens. Absolutely lovely... :)
.Ominous clouds overhead! Some last shots just before it started to pour!

Seeking shelter at a cafe and enjoying tea!
I think it's so apt that their flag is white and blue... Somehow its just fits. :)
And anyway you know me and wierd men? Yeah well... apparently it happens to me anywhere in the world...
Apparently one of the cruise performers had taken a shine to me.. he kept mouthing "I Love You" to me from across the dance floor while I tried my best to just smile and not cringe.
You know its fine if he was some handsome Greek God. But well... it's me. So I have no such luck. Truth be told... he was fat, short and not exactly good-looking.
After managing to avoid him for most of the trip, I was finally cornered at the end of the day...
With his arm around my waist he pulled me against him.
"Tonight...", he drawled. "We make sexy love."
"WhhaaHhhT?!" I recoiled back in horror and tried desperately to squirm out of his grasp.
"You don't like?" He pouted.
"No..NO!" I probably looked green in the face.
He let me go then and proceeded to looked hurt.
I gave him a shakey grin and fled back to my friends to report the horror.
They had a good laugh at my expense.
Argh. *pui*