Thursday, July 09, 2009

Pedestrian Killer & Miracle Worker

I haven't been blogging for a long time. Which I take as a good thing coz... IT MEANS IM BUSY!


1. I've got new toys!

Jem bought a Wii for meeeeeee.................... WiiiiWiiiiWiiii... and I bought Wii Fit for only AUD99 in Sydney! So yes.. I've been busy getting fit. Trust me.. Ive got muscle aches in my abs. So im convinced its working.

Jem also bought me a bicycle! Since this is my first ever bike and if anybody knows me... I'm physically and co-ordinationally (is there even such a word?) challenged. i.e. I can't ride a bicycle (or sometimes even walk) in a straight line.

To-date, I've almost killed a mother and child... (She literally yelled out "AIYOHH!!!" when i nearly ran her over.) I've also almost killed myself on numerous occasions. (I start to wobble the moment I come near a pedestrian...) And I've sustained numerous scratches and bruises from banging my toes on curbs. I think I'm becoming popular in my neighbourhood..... People point and go, "There's the crazy lady on the bike!"

I say watch out for me.... Literally. ;p

2. I'm too busy doing housework.

My husband thinks miracles happen in the home. That clothes magically wash and fold themselves into the closet. That newspapers magically float to the storeroom and arrange themselves nicely on the shelf.

Maybe I should start inviting lepers over...

3. My life is boring.

I just scrubbed the bathroom and i got to start cooking dinner soon. Got to wake up at 3am tonight to go to work.

Story of my life.