Saturday, June 06, 2009

My Stupid Toe

I jumped off a seat the other day landed really wrongly on my left toe.

Like... the whole toe just crumbled beneath me.

It wasn't so bad at first... then it slowly got worse.. and it totally swelled up the next day.

I went to see the doc yesterday... she took one look at it, poked it and said, "I think you had better do an x-ray."


She suspects a fracture... :(

Angie followed me to do the x-ray (Thank you dear.. *kiss*).

Jem came home and took one look at it and said, "CHEY.. i tot it would be more swollen."

"How swollen do you expect it to be??", I asked in surprise.

"Like.. THIS BIG.", he stretched out his hands to about the size of a melon.

What the hell.

He went off early this morning to play soccer. Before he left, he poked his head in the room and said, "Dun lie down in the bed so much, wait you become lazy."

WHAT!? I have an injured foot dammit!!!!

So much for expecting any TLC from HIM.