Shop 'Till I Drop
I went to Houston for the first time... Did I go sightseeing? Nooo.... Did I even venture to go to NASA? Nooo...
EeeYuh. So irritating.
Coach factory outlet store... 50% off the original price! *gasp* How to resist................ Look.. its obviously not my fault right?
Blame the damn stores for putting on such price tags. *point*
We rented a nice big town car, punched out our destination on the GPS, screamed at the GPS coz we didnt know how to use it... and I prayed silently in my heart coz the designated driver was only 23... but thank God he was a pretty steady driver. ;p
After countless illegal U-Turns and more prayers in my heart... we reached our destinations safely, shopped happily, and returned the car (and ourselves) in one piece. :)
Yee Ha!

Yes, its the obligatory American breakfast at IHOP for our much needed strength to lift shopping bags. :)

Our car boot full of our booty! (pun intended) ;p And I must say.. the car boot was really huge.. so you can imagine the number of bags there are in there!

50% OFF LEH!!! *sigh* :)

A pink coin purse for my Jie.. I tot it looked so sweet. :)
Keys to My Heart. ;) A new keychain for my new house! I told Jem I want him to buy it for me.. So I will just claim back the money when I'm back home. heehee. I know.. I'm Shy-less. ;p
And in return... I bought handsome cufflinks from Calvin Klein for him. Make sure you don't lose it this time!!!! ;p
I will be home in two days time for Chinese New Year... God I can't wait to get home.
*wipe tear*
Maybe I shop so much to fill a void in my life.
Oh wat the hell. *Digs a bigger hole* :)
Gong Xi Fa Cai everyone!!!
thank you for the purse. :)
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