Ms. Blur Ching Chong
So Ms. Blur Ching Chong goes to Nanjing.
I’ve always wanted to tour China and was so happy I could finally do it in Nanjing… but fucking hell my Mandarin sucks to the CORE.
I could only grasp bits and pieces of what our tour guide was saying. I mean, I love documentaries and history and culture. But.. DAMMIT!
I would always turn to my colleague, push the imaginary button on his arm and say, “translation please.”
I know they were kind enough to try translate some bits for me, but still… most of what the tour guide was saying was literally “Lost in Translation”. (No Pun Intended)
So I apologize for this terribly inaccurate post because for the life of me, I can neither remember nor pronounce the names of half the places I visited.
On the other hand, Nanjing showed me such a different side of life that I just can’t imagine back home. They showcase their heritage so proudly, and yet show their ugly side with just as much aplomb.
I don’t think I had smelled or seen so much pee on the streets before. Every puddle of water was treated with great suspicion.
I watched an elderly beggar make a grab for my colleague’s leftover food on her table.
I sat in absolute heartbreak and confusion as an old lady held her grandson and made him beg me for my drink.
I couldn’t sleep when I got back to Singapore. All I kept hearing was the little boy’s voice playing over in my head. I wish I gave him something then.
I’ve decided to start keeping change in my pockets so that I can always give it to someone I think who needs it way more than I do.
Just a dollar to me, but it probably means so much more to them.
First stop of the day, Sun Yat Sen's Memorial Site.
Now to climb 392 steps to the top! *gulp*
And we made it! Nice view from the top... :)
See where the lion's leg is missing? Apparently it got blown off when the Japanese bombed the area.
Some mythical creature whose story I did not understand coz the tour guide was too cheem.
The Nanjing Wall... probably the closest I will ever get to the Great Wall. ;p
Hello Mr. Mao...
The great Yangtze River and some bridge Mr. Mao built whose story again was too cheem for me to catch. God this sucks.
I bought my own little crystal ball with paintings INSIDE the ballball. Very cool. Got the Shi Fu to paint my nameinside. Haha. Quite a con job, but I still tot he was pretty good...
Can u see my name? HeeHee.
Now on a separate, HIAO, note… see?

I got my hair curled in Nanjing! Hahaha…..
I bought a hair curler and the sales lady offered to curl my hair to let me see how it works. So there I was in Wal Mart, sitting on a little stool in the middle of the electronics dept while she curled my hair.
First my colleagues stood around me, then the locals started gathering around to watch my transformation.
God it was so embarrassing.
But I was quite pleased with the result. Which has started me questioning myself and everyone coz I just can’t decide… to perm or not to perm?
Cast your votes! Voting starts NOW!
Wahahaha… ;p
let me be the 1st to cast the 1st vote! :)
I SAY...PERM! you only live once girl, do what you wanna do and well...put it this way. if it doesn't work out, at least you tried right? no regrets!
anyway, i think you look nice :)
*chants* PERM PERM PERM!
and i think your name in crystal ball is pretty...:)
PERM!! cos if its ugly, you can always straighten!!!
and we can all have a good laugh when u post the permed pics too...
Mr Mua Ha Ha!!
WAAIILLL!!! *flings myself into arms of Angie and Ron*
*points quivering finger at Mr. Mua Ha Ha*
HE'S SO MEAN TO MEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
*Sayang Sayang*
Mr Mua Ha Ha.. *points back 3 quivering fingers at Geri*
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