The Big Freeze
Finally I did a flight with Angie... and off we flew to Moscow!
"You must go sightseeing with me ok?", insisted Angie...
Of course la! How could I not go out with her... (despite it being my 5th time there ;p)
"Ladies and Gentlemen..", announced the Captain. "The ground temperature is -22 Degrees Celcius..."
Nononono... I'm NOT going out. No WAY! You couldn't force me out in that weather even if you set a Black Bear, a Siberian Tiger and a KGB Agent on me.
"I DUN care you're going out with me!", insisted Angie as she brandished her metal tray threateningly at me. (Okok.. so im exaggerating)
But I love my darling Angie.. So of course I went out.
I'm still coughing out ice cubes.
*ker chink*
*makes ice tea*

All prepared to head out into the cold!

Taken in a little church yard...

Like as though we're at some mountain resort... but we're just outside our hotel on a little plot of snow!!! ;)
Crepes for breakfast... :)
Ah yes.. St. Basil's still stands...
And of course... a trip down Moscow's famous Metro stations..
cutest soldier ever...INDEEEEED...! :P
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