Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Blue Genes

I was recounting to my Mum this incident which happened during work the other day...


Man: Miss, can you please tell me how you maintain such a slim waist?

Me: (Laughs embarrassed laugh and sucks in tummy alittle more)

Man: So, you excercise alot?

Me: No... (I mean.. you gotta be kidding me.)

Man: Must be you don't eat lah!

Me: No... I eat alot.

Man: Then? Tell me your secret....

Me: Erm... I'm lucky I guess. I thank my mum for her good genes.

Man: Wah.. then give me some of your genes leh.

Me: *at loss for words* Er.. Blue Jeans I can give u lah.

Man: *gives me wierd look*

Me: *pats man's shoulder and walks away giggling*


So my Mum, the Queen of Corny Jokes exclaims, "That is SO Corny and Lame!"

I know mum... I truly am your daughter.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

like mother, like daughter.

*clap clap*

10:34 AM  

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