So it hit front page news again... *yadda yadda yadda*
But look at this super cute cartoon i spotted in The Straits Times (Mon, 25 Sep 2006).

Somehow I love the angry, teeth-baring expression.
I think its a look I've seen before. Hahaha...
oooooh...? what news what news? :P
It should be the other way round.. the chocks beside the nosewheel is actually SIA, preventing the Pilots and the airline from moving forward.. Mua ha ha :)
anonymous: Grr.. I HATE anonymous posts.. coz it keeps me wondering who in the world u are... Now i have to guess who goes "Mua ha ha". ;p
Mua Ha Ha flew with you to Capetown. He also knows Ivan See, and heard that recently you guys were looking for my number :)
ALEX! U incorribigle fellow u! Haha... Mua ha ha.. sheesh! ;) Anyway U really should give us ur number....
damn. I spelt "incorrigible" as "incorribigle". See la. Im so excitied until liddat. ;p
Oki! Will leave my contact for you.. check your friendster messages....
ps - your pics taken at the leaning tower was hilarious!
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