Forbidden Fruit
Ok so this entry has nothing to do with forbidden fruit... Well, maybe Angie can be the forbidden fruit.. And Tiffany has forbidden fruits. (well.. melons more like it. ;p)
Thank God Tiff doesnt read my blog.
But I digress.
We had a nice Girls Night Out to the theather yesterday! Went to catch Forbidden City with Tiffany and Angie.
I enjoyed it very very much. :)
I really thought it was very well done for a local production. Who says Singapore has no talent?
I was very plesantly surprised. Guess you can always count on Dick Lee for a good musical.
As we were leaving the Esplanade in a cab, I spotted some IMF delegates (I know for a FACT they are delegates coz they were wearing their damn passes) and they were taking a photo of our Singaporean "White Knight" with his "White Steed", (i.e. Our Singapore Traffic Policeman and his bike). They actually asked the policeman to pose next to his bike.
And "Dear Mr. Policeman" (ok.. only those of us who studied in the 80's would know wat "Dear Mr. Policeman" is...) gladly obliged and gallantly posed next to his gleaming bike.
I know. Its like, wtf rite?
Its ok Mr. Policeman. We are all at the mercy of the IMF...
So I was exclaiming to the girls and we were all staring at them with thoroughly amused/bemused expressions and the next thing you know, those two delegates spotted us and pointed their camera at us. All three of us started shrieking in the cab. Of course, Tiff was the loudest. (typical)(Haha. Love u girl.) She was shrieking, "Uncle! Faster drive off!". Angie was just going, "arrgh" and as for me, after staring and blinking at the camera with a DeerCaughtintheHeadlights expression, I composed myself, gave my best "Welcome to Singapore" smile and did the "Mr. President/First Lady" wave.
They waved back.
Whahahaha. *wink*
As our cab drove off, Tiff said, "We should have each given them the finger."
Angie and I were like, "NO! We have to welcome them with Four Million Smiles, remember?"
Wow. We are like... so brainwashed man. ;p
With my Forbidden Fruitcakes... ;)

With Tiffy before heading into the theather. (Oei. You. Stop trying so hard to stare at her Forbidden Fruits. *slap* ;p)

Snapped IN the concert hall. Nearly kena scolding by the ushers. hahaha. WHO CARES. *tbbph*
Love you girls!
*stares* at you-know-what.
alamak! u posted that pic online!!! *bleah*
anyway, i had a nice night too! ;) and oh! tonight as well *grinz*
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