19 Years and Counting...
Was MSN-ing Angie today and I was mentioning to her that since I won't be heading off to London anymore, I wouldnt be able to get her the T-Shirt she wanted. She was surprised I even remembered, and I replied, "Sweetie, I never forget."
It's true Angie dear, though I'm away half the time and you are busy to death with work, I still do think of you.
Its nice to have a friend for *sticks out fingers and toes* er.... *count count* 19 years?!
Even I didn't realise its been that long.
From that skinny little elf with fringe covering half her face to the chiobu now.. sighz.
From Primary School...

(Yes thats angie and me! The two idiots on the right of the front row! hahaha)
To Secondary School...

To Poly...

'Till Today.

God we looked so gross. Hahahaha.....
Love u sweetie *kiss*
HA HA HA....you gals are really funni in your convent uniform and hairstyle.....
well seems like nothing much have change
still look the same..no before and after photos
Anonymous: Who are u?? *curious*
i love you too!!!! *muax muax muax*
10 years ago I didn't dare say we were best friends for fear you didn't see me as yours
today, I stand here proud to say that I've always seen you as my closest bestest friend and someone whom I'll treasure always.
thank you for remembering and all these 19 years of friendship.
Hmm...brings back memories of us playing together at recess in primary school...you, me and Yingxian...remember??
Remember us being together in Tangerine 3 & 4? XP
Are you still in contact with Yingxian??
Unfortunately I lost contact with her after we parted ways, ending up in different secondary schools. =(
But anyway...thanks for all the memories...! =)
Anonymous: Cheah. Its U. Next time use a nic like Mr. Ripley or sumthing la then i know its u ;)
Hellsbane: Dear God yes i do remember! All the stupid games we played! Unfortunately I too have lost contact with most of the girls in Pri school.Too bad i dun have a pic of u in Pri school, if not I would definately post it up too! ;p
greetings from Melbourne!
pix so cute...hahah!
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