The Girls of 843
Im typing this in the middle of the night, half painting my nails, half typing... just because somebardy complained I have not updated my blog. Crap.
Anyway.. Back to The Girls!
Well actually it was only a few of us girls from Batch 843 who got together for JCL training this week.
So happy to see them! Back to talking cock, making dirty jokes about Pisang Rajas and all sorts or other inane stuff... :)
Sharing all our stories of flying around and all the risque stuff! ;p
And of course we did our usual - buy hoards of snacks from the auntie and munchedandcrunched throughout the lesson just to keep ourselves awake. ;p
Having a "Wet Run" tomorrow. WeiX asked, "wats a wet run?".
So i told him its where we run around soaking wet in our uniforms.
I could tell he liked the idea. Kinky... :)

Lovely Gwen! I wrote her a note during class saying i tot she looked so pretty today! heehee.

And Jothi has the most dazzling smile i know! :)

Love you girls!!!
I'll be Wet and Runny later today! ;)
(If u really want to know wats a "wet run".. drop me a note and I'll explain. haha)
ok, so what's a "wet run"...?
like a "dry run"...but just under water?
what is it man?
damn...wet run...wet run...
Ron: you joining my company soon rite? ;) Then when u training then i let you find out.. hee hee :)
geri: but but...nothing's confirmed yet what...
juz tell now lah.
even if it's not for me...
do tell for é rest who reads your blog...:p
Ron: Aiyah... Basically a dry run is a practice run without the real food/drink etc. A Wet run is pretty much a full dress "rehersal" with a the food and stuff :)Tats its lor. Nothing kinky abt it at all. Hahaha.
hahah yea geri had a fun time wt u n jothi...altho its freaking bored during lecture time, but its stil fun during break time, and when we joke around, taking silly pics..haha
geri: damn!!! dat's what i tot man -
a "full dressed" rehersal!
i really did think of dat...damndamn!
so i guessed it my mind...
The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
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