Lights! Camera! ACTION! *kiap!*
Haha... i like my *kiap*.. hahaha.
I had great fun with Ron at MovieWorld! It's just so damn fun to go out with her! ;) It's her FOURTH time there! She's so nice to want to bring me there lor...
Chionged out and met Ron at 8:45am (I only reached my hotel at 7:30am!!). Slept like a pig on the train to GoldCoast... Can u imagine, two girls, zzz-ing, with their feet propped up on the chair opposite them. SO AUNTIE! But I honestly didn't care. hahaha.
Finally arrived at MovieWorld at 11:30am (we had a minor train blooper.. but I shall not elaborate coz Ron will just get upset all over again...).
We sat most of the rides.. but i refused to take the Superman and Lethal Weapon rides.. I'm sorry.. I'm chicken shit okie? :p
BUT! We sat the Scooby Doo spookie coaster... TWICE! Just coz the first pic taken on the ride did not turn out nice... haha. So we planned the second shot and bought the pic! :) During the first ride I didn't make a sound.. and Ron kept yelling at me, "Geri? Are you ok???!" Maybe she thought I passed out... haha.
We went around taking silly photos and posing with the characters. I kinda wanted to put my arm around Batman and Robin but when i touched battie's super stiff rubber suit.. I kinda freaked out. hahaha.
I really liked their Police Academy stunt show! I was so fooled into thinking one of the cast members was really part of the audience! The best part was, he was sitting behind me and I was like totally cheering him on like an idiot. HAhahaha.... I'm SO guillible can??
Met up with Ming the King and their housemates for dinner... So nice to see them again! Ming is SO SKINNY! Ron... u better feed him more...
Going for my facial now... Im having like MAJOR breakout. WHYWHYWHY? Maybe it's coz i having too many Tim Tams.... Dammit. *munchcrunch*
Train Ride To GoldCoast

Making out on the train! hahaha...

Putting our feet up on the train! HAHahahaaa...

I'm In MovieWorld! *whee!*

Taking Cornee pics while queuing up to watch the Shrek 4D Adventure!

Superman Escape! As though we took the ride liddat.... ;p

Scooby Dooby DOOOoooo!!
Here's How We Travelled in MovieWorld...

By our private vintage car...

Flagging a bu(g)s at the bugstop...

Catching the Hogwarts Express!
Getting Chummy with the Stars

Their rubber suits just made me feel sooo stiff. *creak*

Yeah Baby Yeah! ;)

With the Police Academy Cast

I was totally taken Hostage!

Porky Started Picking his nose in front of Ron and then wiped his finger on her arm! Hahahahahaa... You PIG!

You know The Flash has not been doing much superhero work when he looks like THIS. Cut down on the beers dude...

My "kiap-per"! haha! Ron and I each bought one!

Bye MovieWorld! *sobsob*

Acting Cute in my room.. Haha.. Thanks Ron and Ah Ming for the wonderful time!! :)
What a great way to end off my blog! "That's All Folks!" :)

Just submitted my flight steward application...Geeze!
WOOOHOOO!!! Yeah, Baby, YEAH!!!
am glad you had fun...
Jem: If u really join as a steward.. then i got to start behaving myself liao. Dammit.
Ron: I still cant believed I screamed over the stupid spiders!
looks like great fun
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