Dubai and Moscow!
Well I did already mention roughly what happened in Dubai.... And yes i was sick throughout this whole trip. I started out with a sore throat, then morphed to a fever, then in Moscow a cough, then finally UTI back in Dubai.
Miserable or wat.
But Im much better now. Nothing like home :)
So I mentioned about Dubai.. did the Safari Tour.. got sick..but thank God I was well taken care of and got much better pretty quick.
Got to visit Shireen and Kamar when I got back! Those two couldn't find my hotel and they were apparently FAR FAR FAR away from my hotel. I was waiting for the longest time outside for them and I got approached by this man... I was SO SCARED! I seriously think they thought I was a prostitute.... I called Shireen and was shrieking into the phone. They finally realised how far away they were from me so I had to take a damn cab to meet them, like a 15mins drive away can!!! Was near tears when I finally met them. *sniff*
But I'm glad I did. She drove me to their home... very nice! Im glad that they are happy in Dubai :)
Moscow was alll riigghhtt. Was kinda dissapointed. It was cold and dreary. The sky was overcast. And there wasnt much to see honestly. After visiting the red square, the rest of the sight seeing spots were pretty dissapointing.
Visited the Armory Museum and a couple of cathedrals in the Kremlin. Did you know we can't walk off the side walk and must cross at the designated zebra crossings in the Kremlin or else the police will start blowing their whistle at you...? Scary shite.
All in all I had a wonderful time during this trip. I learnt alot.. experienced alot. Alot of "first times" for me....
I made wonderful friends.. of which I will never forget and will always treasure.
You know who you are.. ;)

VroomVroom! Ready to go dune bashing!

Sand Sand Everywhere! Literally... My shoes.. my bag... EVEN my camera. Dammit.

Nice shots taken by my friend.... I know I know... I take really bad shots okay?

Biggg Camel... Nice Camel.... They were literally charging to the food trough in every direction I was freaking out. See how their legs are tied? Poor thing... :(

Belly Dancing! Quite impressed...if only I could move my hips like her!

Apparently the stiffest in the group! ;p

Amirin and Me! Such a big boy now! :)

A very much skinnier Kamar.. Please fatten up boy!

Poor Shireen... dead tired after driving around the whole day... But so happy to see her! :)

St Basil's Cathedral at the Red Square

I'm sorry.. but I really have no idea what building this is.. haha.

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour - the largest cathedral in Moscow.

Me getting crazy after a potent shot of vodka early in the morning on an empty tummy! BUT SHIOK! haha..

My giant 0.5Liter glass of cranberry juice. It was HUGE! but nice.. couldn't finish it though... ;p

Metro Station in Moscow. The artwork was surprising... and i nearly got stranded out of the train! The doors started to close while i was still outside and i screamed and forced my way in. U should have seen my face and my dear friends face as he bodily tried to hold the door back. Thank u! so schweet. hee. I tell u.. I was shaking for quite a while after that.
Last but not least...

See what I got! Five little puppies to take care of my laptop whenever I travel. I absolutely love it! :) *beam* I'm such a sucker.
Cool Stuff
cranberry juice. is good for UTI, they say.
ahhh, now i know what your MSN pix is.
have more fun! =)
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