Amazing Race Asia?!
I was in Auckland when WeiX called me.
"Yo! Watsup Bro?", I answered the phone as I was sipping beer at The Occidental.
"Hey..", He asked. "Are you interested in joining the Amazing Race Asia?"
"WHHAT?!", I shrieked. "Why me???!"
And to that question, came his calm reply.
"Who else?"
Now how can I possibly say "no" to an answer like that?
My navigational abilities may be worse than that of a broken compass and I may be flakey, but who cares? It probably makes for good television. ;p
WeiX has all the brains. And I could probably charm an Arab man for a lift in his car. ;P
Bring it on babe!!! *Amazing Race theme song plays in background*
wooohooo!!! GO GO GO!!!
i'd say bloody go for it man!!!! *adrenaline rush*
ermm...but need to have driver's license one meh? *shrug*
Yah. So we realised. Dammit. NEXT YEAR! *calls Mr. Toh*
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