Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I Need to Get Outta Here.

You see.. there's a problem when you are in a country where there are just so few chinese girls.

You become some strange commodity.

First, I had a Filipino asking me if I'm from the Philippines. Well, you all know about that already...

Next, I had a Thai man ask if I'm Thai. Worse still. He wanted my number. Call me mean, but I couldnt control myself and laughed out loud and whacked him on his shoulder. I swear I thought he was joking. I felt so bad after saw his face fall. Sorry sweetie. But you are really not my type.

Today was the final straw. While browsing in the supermarket, a big Arab man in full arab dress (yes those typical white robed and red checkered headscarf-ed men you see in TinTin comics...) approached me and said, "Where are you from? Are you a model?" I nearly puked.

I swallowed back my vomit and said, "No.", while glaring at the backs of my fleeing, giggling, colleagues.

So what if you are some pretty big shot in your Government office? I am not having dinner with you. I refuse to be gangraped and thrown in the desert. ;p

I know I'm SO mean. But this place is turning me into some raving monster.

I want to go home where no one ever notices me.

So Mr. See... I TOLD you only strange people ever ask me out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should say no, but i'm an actress in my home country *grinz*

12:40 PM  
Blogger Geri said...

HAH. Wait make tat man happy only... bleah. ;p

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...or you could have said,

"sorry, Mister, i've already got a Vietnamese fiancé back home."

wahahahahah! opps. :P


10:01 AM  

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