So Its Off to Nagoya Instead...
Its okie.. Im not exactly complaining.. Im happy going to any Japan station. :)
As expected, I spent 2 hours at the 100 yen shop and only spent slightly over 1000 yen (thats less than 20 bucks) and spent 15mins at Lawsons convenient store and spent 3000 yen (thats over 30 bucks..).
Geez. Doesnt seem right. ;p
I went out at 11am to have an early lunch at my favourite little joint and ate my fav hamburger rice! I was the ONLY girl there and I was eating bigger portions than the men. Heh. They probably thought I was weird. ;p
Had to go to the departmental store's food market and buy desserts!
LOOOVVEE their strawberry shortcakes. YUMYUM.
I love Japanese food. Sigh.

My Fav Hamburg Rice! :)

See wat i spotted at the 100yen shop! Cute pink hammies! Hee Hee

GIVE ME CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr. Baker whipping up cream for their famous strawberry shortcakes

I bought this slice of heaven back with me... hehe.

Only where can I wear my hat and not look like a complete idiot? Anywhere BUT Singapore! hahahaha.. sigh. Sad.. But true.

My 100yen conquests! nyaknyak.
Off to Christchurch next. Please someone go sightseeing with me....... :(
Dun care. If no one go. Me go myself. ;p
3 Comments: near yet so far...
once again...
So sad...I've been to Japan many many times and never ventured to the 100 Yen shop. Guess I need to ask the concierge next month when I'm in Tokyo. If you like ice cream you need to look for Fauchon when in Japan. It's scrumptous to say the least :) Speaking of bringing back cake, I saw one of the Lufthansa crew at the hotel toting a cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory back to FRA this afternoon. Funny thing is I've done the same for my friends in Singapore. Although given the stringent "quart size bag" and "3oz." debacle I don't think I will be able to do this anymore as it's a long long flight from SFO-SIN and need ice packets for the cheesecake :( Enjoy CHC, which is on the long long list of places to go.
Merry Christmas.
Ron: Sigh. They keep sending me to NZ instead of BNE! ;p
Kevin: Yes! Fauchon ice cream is lovely! :) And so are the cheesecakes from the Cheesecake Factory. :) Merry Christmas!
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