Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Saddest Christmas Morning

So I woke up at about 4am to go to work.

That wasnt what was so sad about my Christmas morning.

Honestly, thats awfully trivial..

I saw over the electronic board that there was a serious accident along the ECP just outside Changi Airport. Two of the three lanes were closed so there was a traffic jam and the cars slowly inched along. I didnt have any reaction to it. It was just an accident. I closed my eyes and tried to catch a little snooze as we inched along.

As we approached the scene of the accident, I turned my head for that second and saw the victim, lying on the road, with a sheet of white cloth covering him. It was so soaked with blood, that i gasped and just instinctively covered my face with my hands.

My heart siezed. I felt so sick. So Awful. So much blood. Too much.

I prayed then. I prayed for him. For his family. For the driver of the other vehicle.

Nobody deserved that. Not on a Christmas morning. Not the driver of the taxi. Not the victim.

Imagine, Christmas Day for the driver would always be remembered as a day he killed someone.

Christmas Day would be a day the victim's family would always remember as as tragic day.

I was so disturbed. I kept thinking. Life is so unpredictable. We never know when we are going to lose our loved ones. Or when we will leave our loved ones.

Every other day I board that plane. And I never know if i will ever come back home.

As I got out the car, I told my Dad, "Please drive safely and be careful okie?" I hope he knew I was trying to tell him I loved him.

My heart hurts for them, still.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


i'm sure your prayers will be answered...
and your Dad knows...

take it easy ok?

12:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never doubt the power of prayer, but its more powerful when done in a greater numbers! So i'am saying a prayer for them, for you, for all of us and our families. May God guide us, protect us and bless us all. Amen.

10:35 AM  

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