Oh how I love Rome!
The city is beautiful... the architecture astounding... ruins everywhere...
It didn't matter that I was down with a major sore throat and a runny nose.. Still CHIONG AH!!!!
On the first day we wandered around Rome's city area.. visited the Vittoriano E Piazza Venezia, the Trevi Fountain (Fontana Di Tevi) (Yep! That's the famous fountain where u throw a coin in backwards and make a wish), the Spainish steps (Piazza Di Spagna), did a little shopping (More GUCCI!*eep!*) and of course the Colosseum! Rounded off the day by talking a nice stroll through the ruins and was back in my room guzzling Panadol cold medicine. *bleah*
The next day we planned a trip to the Vatican City. But before we headed to the Vatican, we had a quick stop and breakfast outside the Pantheon (It was originally a pagan temple, and was later converted to a Christian Church in 608AD).
I mean, how many people in the world have a chance to sit just outside the Pantheon and have breakfast! I dun know if any of my colleagues felt the same way as me.. but I really felt so happy to munch on my sandwich, drink my cappucino and gaze at this famous building. :)
Off to Vatican City next!
First stop in the Vatican was the Musei Vaticani. I swear... Everywhere you walked was priceless artwork.. Up on the ceilings, along the wall.. literally EVERYWHERE.
Then we arrived at the Sistine Chapel.
It was like... Wow.
Unfortunately I wasn't allowed to take any pics in the chapel, so I can't show you guys any pics. But take my word that it was beautiful ;)
We just stood there admist the crowd with our heads thrown back, staring at the ceiling of Michelangelo's "The Last Judgement" with our mouths agape. I guess you can imagine how we looked like. :)
Next we headed to St. Peter's Square and St. Peter's Basilica. Of course, again.. wowwowwow.
The Basilica was HUGE.
There were the tombs of all the different popes below the basilica, and of course, the tomb of the late Pope John Paul II was the most crowded... It was an honour for me to be there.
On the third day, Ivan and I decided to go head to Pisa and Florence (It was a totally last minute plan.. and I managed to convince Shirley to go with us. ;)). So we three intrepid travelers bravely set off with almost no clue on how to get around. Thank God we had some help and we were on our way!
It was a five hour train ride to Pisa. I just LOVE train rides :)
We just HAD to go to Pisa to view the leaning tower and of course, we couldn't leave without taking those TYPICAL corny pictures! We had such a blast doing those ridiculous poses!
It was another hour and a half journey to Florence (It was past 5pm when we finally arrived), but it was ok! Nothing would dampen our spirits!
Took a bus *with fingers and toes crossed*, and thankfully it got us to the Ponte Vecchio bridge, which means 'Old Bridge' in Italian. :) Saw all lovely sculptures (Michelangelo's "David".. the fake one..the real one was in the museum la.. heh.)
There were street artists everywhere and there was this busker who played the guitar so beautifully. It just seemed so right in that setting. Honestly… I thought it was so romantic.. *siiggghh*
Our last stop was to the Duomo, the fourth largest cathedral in the world. It was another really lovely building which took my breath away. I commented to Ivan and Shirely, "There's really nothing like religion to inspire Man to create such beautiful works of art, isnt it?"
Italy was almost nothing like I had ever experienced. The people (err. no comment), the sights... Absolutely Beautiful!
Ti Amo Roma! :)
Day One - Rome

The Vittoriano E Piazza Venezia. As I was taking this photo, an old security guard was standing next to Shirley (who was taking my pic) and grinning at me. After that he came up and mussed up my hair with his walkie talkie antenna. Wat the... hahaha...

At the Trevi Fountain

The Spanish Steps - The fountain is supposed to represent a ship that ran aground at that spot outside the steps during a river flood :)

Glorious Gelato! I literally had it every damn day! *urp*

*whee!* Grace and I with our prized purchases! hahaha... How suaku we must have looked! ;)

The maginificent Colosseum! Now where is that handsome Russel Crowe...

Lovely cobble stone path leading to the Arco di Tito.. Makes me wonder about the people who used to walk this exact same path.. Ancient Romans.. Gladiators.. sigh.

The Arco di Tito

The Foro di Cesare and a lovely ancient door which apprently still works!

Cindy and me! :)
Day Two - The Pantheon & Vatican City

Outside the Pantheon

Me. Pagan Goddess. Worship Me. *thunderlightning* Hahaha. ;p

Yummy-licious Hot Chocolate and Cappucino for breakfast! It was REALLY good. Really.

Along the corridors of the Musei Vaticani

A peek at the grounds of the Vatican... I wonder if the Pope takes a stroll in these gardens in the mornings...

The huge columns and grounds of St. Peter's Square

Yup its that famous balcony where you always see the Pope wave :)

Swiss Guard! *ooh!* So cuuuttee :)

Standing before the tomb of Pope John Paul II. I am truly humbled.

The gigantic dome designed by Michelangelo inside St. Peter's Basilica

The altar in the Basilica. Love how the ray of light shines down...
Day Three - Pisa & Florence

The Infamous Leaning Tower of Pisa. It really is tilted!

My fav pic! We were so excited taking this photo that we didn't notice Ivan's hands totally overshot the tower! Hahaha... damn cute.

The best pic we took! :) Nice rite!

At the Ponte Vecchio Bridge. Lovely view... :)

Horsing Around! Gettit? Hahaha.. argh. Corny.. ;p

The lovely facade of the Duomo.
Wow. I think this is the toughest and longest entry I have ever done.
You people had better enjoy it. ;p
aaabbssoolluutteellyyy love reading it! hmm...but where are the italian men!??!?! *wonders*
Angie: Actually there was this really cute Italian guy in the Gucci store.. wearing the Gucci suit and all.. *heart palpitate* he opened the door for us and my eyes just popped out. Its hard to act cool when im hyperventelating. ;)
Ron: WOW rite! Im still going "wow" too. :)
I don't like you. :P Donate some gucci to me.
Check spelling. Amidst and Spanish Steps.
Happy birthday sweeting.
Oh, and "Hyperventilating"
Luckily you no longer work for lawyers.
Jie: You know.. next time I have spelling errors.. Just CALL me and TELL me. U dun have to tell the whole world too. *grumble mumble*
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