Hellooo Elaine! :)
Caught up with Elaine yesterday! Realised we had not met up for a year!
So of course we had ONE YEAR'S worth of gossip to catch up with! haha! Tok tok tok until as usual lost track of time... ;p
She is always the one to look for if you want to catch up with the lastest news.. damn cool la you girl :)
We had dinner at Menotti's at Raffles City and as usual i over indulged.. hee. *guilt*
Oh! And she's learning fortune telling now! *excited* Remember to plot for me ah!!! HEE. ;)
I promise we'll catch up more often!!!! *hugs*

Off to Hong Kong tonight! Back to work! *sian*
hello Elaine!!! and Geri...!
im bored. whaahah!
Hi Ron! Im bored too... ugh.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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