Abu! Abu!
Abu Dhabi! Wow.... what can i say about the place... other than that im now officially TERRIFIED of the following items:
1. Mutton/Chicken Briyani
2. Chicken Tikka
3. Lamb Chops
4. Basically anything drenched in curry and spices.
We literally ate at the same damned place EVERYDAY. I said that I would take a photo of the restaurant and throw darts at it when I got home. I was literally feeling nauseated for two days and couldnt eat on the last day. So much so that my colleagues were speculating whose baby I was carrying. Geez.
Visited the place called the Emirates Palace. Some super exclusive hotel. Kinda like the famous one in Dubai... but not so famous i guess. Heh...;p
We girls happily bodoh bodoh walked out into the hotel's private beach and were taking stupid photos when this suit clad, secret service looking guy appeared and informed us the beach was out of bounds to public and that they were watching us on the security cameras...
He then escorted us back to the lobby. Paiseh or waaattt...
Im so tired... Din sleep well at all while there. Too many things happening. Sometimes i wonder... do i think too much? Or do i not think straight at all?
Thoughts aside, I had fun.. LOTS of fun. *wink*

think too much? like me?
think too much, think too far, think too nonsense.
whatever it is, hope it'll straighten out...somehow.
Thanks.. I'll think about it. hahahahaha....
"we're only human"
accept this truism and you'll sleep better.
now when you do those "how have you lived your life" quizzes people always seem to spam you with, you won't get such a pathetic score! :)
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