I got this link from
Ron's blog...
Somehow like SO ZHUN for her but not for me leh... dammit.
Your Birthdate: September 14 |
 You work well with others. That is, you're good at getting them to do work for you. It's true that you get by on your charm. But so what? You make people happy! You're dynamic, clever, and funny. And people like to have you around. But you're so restless, they better not expect you to stay around for long.
Your strength: Your superstar charisma
Your weakness: Commitment means nothing to you
Your power color: Fuchsia
Your power symbol: Diamond
Your power month: May
Commitment means nothing to me???!!! TODAY IS MY 8TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!??!!!!
Lousy site. *tbpptth*
"Commitment means nothing to you"?!
dun worry, we all know dat you are one commitment gal man! dun care about the site.
juz care about the:
"You make people happy!
You're dynamic, clever, and funny. And people like to have you around."
and oh...the "diamond" bit.
hehz. *hugs*
*slaps forehead*
apa "commitment gal"..?!
i meant to say "commited gal".
stoopid me.
*shakes head*
i should nap. my brain...needs to zZz. hahah!
Oh yes! the diamond bit is so me.... heeeee.... ;)
That one zhun la..
haha the commitment part is so not true...BUT....come on....the charming part, the superstar charisma (lina ng, carina lau) etc etc is SO true lor! PLUS...yes, the DIAMOND part!
Nice Article ;)
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