Frankfurters Anyone?
Ironically, I didn't get to eat any frankfurters in Frankfurt. I had schnitzel instead.... And as exotic as the name sounds, its was just deep fried pork cutlet. Oh! And warm Apfelsaft (apple juice)! Very nice.... :)
What can I say about Frankfurt...? FREAKING COLD!!! -2 Degrees Celcius... *shiver*.
Even with the cold weather, my colleague was kind enough to invite me to go sight-seeing in Heidelberg with her friend, who was a local staying in Frankfurt. Phil was kind enough to drive us there and we travelled on the Autobahn at a constant breathtaking speed of 160km/h!
So Kewl...
It was colder in Heidelberg and I was totally unprepared for it. My toes were freezing, my lips were cracking, my ears were freezing off and my mucus was creating stalagmites in my nostrils. I wrapped my scarf around my mouth and nose. I din care. I was so cold. I was permanently hunched, shoving my chin into my sweater. It was definately not a glamorous sight.
On my last day in Frankfurt, I decided to take a few shots of the park near my hotel. It was my first time looking at a frozen pond! :)
All of a sudden, I felt little pricks on my face... I looked up and I couldn't believe it.. was it really snowing??? I stuck my hand out and I saw little ice bits falling on my glove. I was SO happy! I just stood there with my hand out and my face tilted up to the sky, smiling. My greatest wish came true! I swear, it was God giving me those few minutes of snow. As suddenly as it started, the snow stopped and I went back to the hotel, pleased as punch.
I came back home with peeling skin, cracked lips and suffering from AWFUL jet lag.
Oh how I love my sunny, hot, humid island. KissKiss.

A quick snap i took while travelling on the Autobahn
Even Phil was freezing!
Having hot chocolate and cake in Heidelberg
Some shots of Heidelberg
Castle in Heidelberg (Dun ask me the name.. no idea)
Frozen Pond! :)
Teenie Flakes of Snow!!!
Snow-lined pathways
wow! snow! u're one lucky gal man! :D
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