I had a great evening with Jem the other day.... we had a nice dinner, slurpped ice cream while walking home and later he drove me to Geylang to have my favourite tau huay...
So as he was driving me home and we were at the stretch just along Bedok Central, I saw from a distance what looked like a plastic bag being tossed about by the zooming cars in the centre of the road. As we neared that bouncing "plastic bag", it suddenly dawned on us that it was a CAT. HOLDING A PLASTIC BOTTLE IN ITS MOUTH.
Wat the...!
So naturally we freaked as it was running back and forth and I screamed and covered my face with the cushion (how typical) and Jem cursed and swerved to avoid hitting the cat and the next thing we know....
I still had my face in the cushion and Jem was like "I don't see the cat! Its not on the road!"
I was 99.99% certain that the "crunch" sound was us running over the plastic bottle. So I felt quite relieved that we didn't see a flat cat (with a flat plastic bottle) lying on the road.
But Jem was not so easily placated.
He was swinging between the two moods of "I HATE CATS!" and "Am I a murderer dar..?" He finally decided to make a U-Turn back to that same stretch of road just to double check that we didn't leave a dying cat behind. (Mind you... we had travelled quite a distance from the scene of the crime by now)
So we made that U-Turn and I climbed into the back seat so that I could have a clear look out of the right side of the road. Nope. No flat cat. PHEW.
So we continued our journey home, wondering what in the world was a cat doing with a plastic bottle???! This is definately one of those great mysteries of life.
Well, as we were rehashing all the details of what happened... it dawned on us. Could we have a flat cat under our tyres? Jeremy was thinking Garfield with claws hanging on, I was thinking squashed, flat, cat.
The moment Jem stopped the car at my place, we both wordlessly jumped out and crouched by the front wheels to check.
Nope. No Garfield. No flat cat.
Thank You God.
scary kitty. scary.
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