Minum..? Or Packet?
Somehow I always seem to have embarressing moments when I buy tea.
Remember my bubble tea saga when I asked for Pearl Milk Tea without Pearls?
So I went to the coffee shop near my place to get my Jie a packet of Teh Si Gosong (Milk Tea without sugar).
Ok, I had on no makeup, my geeky glasses and my hair was all over the place. And I admit. I probably looked pretty bad. Why this matters... will be explained in a minute.
I ordered in Mandarin, "Auntie, one packet of Teh Si Gosong."
She (lets call her Auntie A) acknowledge my order and proceeded to prepare the tea.
Another auntie (Auntie B), after finishing with another customer, asked Auntie A what I ordered.
Auntie B then turned to me and proceeded to ask, complete with sign language, "Minum?" (Malay for drink) and proceeded to act out the whole charade action of drinking, complete with thumb pointing to her mouth "... Or packet?" And then did the action of pretending to carry a plastic bag.
Basket! I know I look like an Indonesian maid who doesn't understand English la! ERGH.
I stared at her with a bland look and replied back in Mandarin. "Packet please."
She looked confused for a minute and I give her credit for recovering so quickly. She then continued to chatter to me in Mandarin for the rest of the order.
After I paid and left, I was trying so hard not to laugh as I kept thinking of the actions she made.
Sigh... I look like a maid, dammit.
oooorrrh laaah...orrrhhh laaahhh...
sayang ok? :)
you should have replied in malay, and then in chinese... and then in english for good measure.
we are so multi-cultural. :)
too bad it didn't happen to me, i would have thrown in german as well. :P
"Oui Madame, Satu Packet Teh Si Gosong Kam Sia..."
That should cover all bases.
You forgot to post a pic!!!!!!!!!
Mr Mua Ha Ha... :)
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