Thursday, May 04, 2006


Was talking to my sis today about "Accountability"...

I feel that, whatever I do, the decisions I make.. No matter how bad... I take full responsibility for them.

I may not have made all the best decisions in my life.. but I know that every mistake, every error in judgment is a learning experience. No regrets in life. Just move on. Out of every bad experience, something good DEFINATELY comes out of it.

I'm definately stonger today than I was before. And happier. :)

I was in this little bubble world that I created for myself for almost 25 years... And when I took on this job... It was so hard for me to adapt coz suddenly, my whole world changed. My world literally became the whole world. The sheer number of people I meet... The different cultures I experience all the time... It's hard not to change your perspective on life.

I used to be so happy just doing my 9-5 job... lying down and wasting my day reading.. But I can't now. I can't help but feel there's a whole world of things I have yet to do and try. I get so restless I just can't stay at home. I admire WeiX so much coz he just does so many thing things. Volunteer work, school activites... he just enriches his life with experiences. He's always willing to try something different. You go BOY!

Well... At the end of the day... I'm still the same old Geri... Maybe alittle harder, alittle more edgier... But it's still me. I know the people around me might sense a change in me... I just feel it's so pointless to remain anal about the little things in life.

I say live for the moment!

But let's not forget the consequences...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm. i like this entry. =)

12:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apa ini?

9:33 PM  
Blogger Geri said...

Ron: Thank u.. I like it too. :)

10:25 PM  

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